stan - stin
- stand
- stand
- stand (in) back of someone or something
- stand (up)on someone or something
- stand a chance
- stand a chance
- stand a chance (of doing something)
- stand and deliver
- stand apart (from someone or something)
- stand around
- stand aside
- stand at something
- stand back (from someone or something)
- stand behind someone or something
- stand between someone or something and someone or something else
- stand by
- stand by
- stand by one's guns
- stand by one's guns
- stand by someone
- stand by someone or something
- stand corrected
- stand down
- stand for
- stand for
- stand for something
- stand head and shoulders above someone or something
- stand idly by
- stand in (for someone)
- stand in awe (of someone or something)
- stand in awe of
- stand in awe of
- stand in for
- stand in for
- stand in one's way
- stand in one's way
- stand in with
- stand in with
- stand off
- stand off