stand up for someone — stand up for (someone/something) to defend or support someone or something. Sometimes you have to stand up for your rights. I stood up for him because he had a right to his opinion … New idioms dictionary
stand surety (for someone) — phrase to be responsible for paying money that is owed or for making certain that someone goes to court when they should Thesaurus: relating to borrowing money and owing moneyhyponym Main entry: surety … Useful english dictionary
stand up for someone/something — SUPPORT, defend, back, back up, stick up for, champion, promote, uphold, take someone s part, take the side of, side with. → stand … Useful english dictionary
stand up for something — stand up for (someone/something) to defend or support someone or something. Sometimes you have to stand up for your rights. I stood up for him because he had a right to his opinion … New idioms dictionary
stand up for — (someone/something) to defend or support someone or something. Sometimes you have to stand up for your rights. I stood up for him because he had a right to his opinion … New idioms dictionary
stand up for — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms stand up for : present tense I/you/we/they stand up for he/she/it stands up for present participle standing up for past tense stood up for past participle stood up for stand up for someone/something to defend… … English dictionary
stand up for — PHRASAL VERB (approval) If you stand up for someone or something, you defend them and make your feelings or opinions very clear. [V P P n] They stood up for what they believed to be right... [V P P n] Don t be afraid to stand up for yourself. Syn … English dictionary
stand bail for sb — stand bail (for sb) ► UK LAW to pay money to show that you promise that someone accused of a crime will come to a court of law to be judged: » A friend asked me to stand bail for his son. Main Entry: ↑stand … Financial and business terms
stand up for — [verb] support, champion, defend, stick up for (informal), uphold * * * phrasal : to defend against attack or criticism : justify, support he was my brother anyway and I m going to stand up for him Liam O Flaherty has always stood up for the… … Useful english dictionary
ˌstand ˈup for sb/sth — phrasal verb to defend someone or something that is being criticized or attacked You ve got to stand up for what you believe in.[/ex] The only crime they ve ever committed is to stand up for their rights.[/ex] I learned how to stand up for myself … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
stand in for — {v. phr.} To substitute for someone. * /The famous brain surgeon was called out of town so his assistant had to stand in for him during the operation./ … Dictionary of American idioms