stand over someone — stand over (someone) to watch someone closely. Had someone been standing over her while she slept or did she just imagine it? … New idioms dictionary
stand by someone — stand by (someone/something) to support someone or something. I think people admire the fact that she stands by her husband. At a news conference, he stood by his criticism of the government … New idioms dictionary
stand in someone's way — stand in someone’s way/path/ phrase to try to stop someone from doing something If you want to marry him, we won’t stand in your way. Thesaurus: to stop someone doing somethingsynonym to kill a person or animalsynonym … Useful english dictionary
stand in someone's path — stand in someone’s way/path/ phrase to try to stop someone from doing something If you want to marry him, we won’t stand in your way. Thesaurus: to stop someone doing somethingsynonym to kill a person or animalsynonym … Useful english dictionary
stand by someone/something — 1 she stood by her husband: REMAIN/BE LOYAL TO, stick with/by, remain/be true to, stand up for, support, back up, defend, stick up for. 2 the government must stand by its pledges: ABIDE BY, keep (to), adhere to, hold to, stick to, observe, comply … Useful english dictionary
stand by someone/something — 1) she stood by her husband Syn: remain/be loyal to, stick with/by, remain/be true to, stand up for, support, back up, defend, stick up for 2) the government must stand by its pledges Syn: abide by, keep (to) … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
stand in someone's shoes — verb to see from anothers point of view; to feel what another feels. See Also: put oneself in someones shoes … Wiktionary
stand behind — [phrasal verb] stand behind (someone or something) : to support (someone or something) I ll stand behind you no matter what you decide to do. I ll stand behind your decision 100 percent. • • • Main Entry: ↑stand … Useful english dictionary
stand over — (someone) to watch someone closely. Had someone been standing over her while she slept or did she just imagine it? … New idioms dictionary
stand by something — stand by (someone/something) to support someone or something. I think people admire the fact that she stands by her husband. At a news conference, he stood by his criticism of the government … New idioms dictionary
stand by — (someone/something) to support someone or something. I think people admire the fact that she stands by her husband. At a news conference, he stood by his criticism of the government … New idioms dictionary