stand (in) back of someone or something
- stand (in) back of someone or something
stand (in) back of someone or something & stand behind someone or something
1. Lit. to place oneself at the rear of someone or something. •
Please stand behind your friends.
The police told them to stand behind the fence.
2. Fig. to guarantee someone or something; to guarantee the performance or worth of someone or something. •
I will stand back of Elaine. I trust her totally.
The manufacturer stands behind this product.
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stand — stand1 [ stænd ] (past tense and past participle stood [ stud ] ) verb *** ▸ 2 move to upright position ▸ 3 put foot on/in something ▸ 4 be in particular position ▸ 5 remain without moving ▸ 6 be in situation/state ▸ 7 be particular height ▸ 8… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stand — 1 verb past tense and past participle stood /stUd/ BE UPRIGHT 1 (I) to support yourself on your feet in an upright position: It looks like we ll have to stand there are no seats left. | Can you see any better from where you re standing? | stand… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stand — stand1 W1S1 [stænd] v past tense and past participle stood [stud] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(be on feet)¦ 2¦(rise)¦ 3¦(step)¦ 4¦(in a particular position)¦ 5¦(in a state/condition)¦ 6¦(not like)¦ 7¦(accept a situation)¦ 8¦(be good enough)¦ 9 … Dictionary of contemporary English
stand — I UK [stænd] / US verb Word forms stand : present tense I/you/we/they stand he/she/it stands present participle standing past tense stood UK [stʊd] / US past participle stood *** 1) a) [intransitive] to have your body in an upright position… … English dictionary
stand — [[t]stæ̱nd[/t]] ♦ stands, standing, stood 1) VERB When you are standing, your body is upright, your legs are straight, and your weight is supported by your feet. [V prep] She was standing beside my bed staring down at me... [V adj] They told me… … English dictionary
back — 1 adverb 1 RETURN in or into the place or position where someone or something was before: Freddie was supposed to be back at the hotel by six. | Put that book back where you found it! | We d better go back, she said regretfully. 2 AS BEFORE in or … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
back — back1 W1S1 [bæk] adv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(return to place)¦ 2¦(as before)¦ 3¦(previous place)¦ 4¦(backwards)¦ 5¦(reply/reaction)¦ 6¦(return something to somebody)¦ 7¦(in the past)¦ 8¦(again)¦ 9 sit/lie/lean back 10¦(away)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
back — back1 [ bæk ] adverb *** ▸ 1 returning to place/state ▸ 2 as reply or reaction ▸ 3 away from the front ▸ 4 away from someone/something ▸ 5 toward beginning of something ▸ 6 in/into the past ▸ 7 in a different place ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) returning to a … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
back */*/*/ — I UK [bæk] / US adverb 1) a) in the direction that is behind you Don t look back, but there s a man following us. He asked us to move back a few yards. b) in a position where your back is leaning backwards lean/sit/lie back: She leant back in her … English dictionary
stand*/*/*/ — [stænd] (past tense and past participle stood [stʊd] ) verb I 1) to have your body in an upright position supported by your feet The train was full and we had to stand all the way to Edinburgh.[/ex] Stand still (= don t move) and let me brush… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
stand up — phrasal verb Word forms stand up : present tense I/you/we/they stand up he/she/it stands up present participle standing up past tense stood up past participle stood up 1) a) [intransitive] to put your body into an upright position from a sitting… … English dictionary