beat someone's brains out
- beat someone's brains out
beat someone's brains out
1. to hit or batter someone severely. •
She threatened to beat my brains out.
Those thugs nearly beat his brains out.
2. to drive oneself hard (to accomplish something). •
I beat my brains out all day to clean this house, and you come in and get dirt on the carpet!
Don't beat your brains out. Just give it a good try.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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beat someone's brains out — (slang) 1. To kill by hitting repeatedly on the head 2. To subject to a vicious beating • • • Main Entry: ↑beat * * * beat/bash/someone’s brains out informal … Useful english dictionary
beat someone's brains out — beat (someone s) brains out 1. to severely criticize someone. How could I win the election with that guy on the radio beating my brains out every day? 2. to seriously hurt someone. I was afraid he was going to come back and beat my brains out … New idioms dictionary
beat someone’s brains out — 1. tv. to beat someone severely. □ She threatened to beat my brains out. □ Those thugs nearly beat his brains out. 2. tv. to drive oneself hard (to accomplish something). □ I beat my brains out all day to clean this house, and you come in and… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
beat someone's brains out — verb To beat someone very severely … Wiktionary
beat/bash someone's brains out — (or US beat/bash someone s brains in) informal : to hit someone on the head in a way that causes serious injury or death : to beat someone very badly They threatened to beat my brains in if I ever came here again. • • • Main Entry: ↑brain … Useful english dictionary
bash someone's brains out — beat/bash/someone’s brains out informal phrase to kill or badly injure someone by hitting their head very hard Thesaurus: to kill a person or animalsynonym to kill yourselfhyponym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
beat brains out — beat (someone s) brains out 1. to severely criticize someone. How could I win the election with that guy on the radio beating my brains out every day? 2. to seriously hurt someone. I was afraid he was going to come back and beat my brains out … New idioms dictionary
beat one's brain out — If someone beats their brains out, they try very hard to understand something or solve a problem. My grandmother beats her brains out every evening trying to do the crossword puzzle in the newspaper … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
beat — [[t]bi͟ːt[/t]] ♦ beats, beating, beaten (The form beat is used in the present tense and is the past tense.) 1) VERB If you beat someone or something, you hit them very hard. [V n] My wife tried to stop them and they beat her... [V n to n] They… … English dictionary
beat — beat1 W2S2 [bi:t] v past tense beat past participle beaten [ˈbi:tn] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(competition/election)¦ 2¦(hit)¦ 3¦(hit against)¦ 4¦(do better)¦ 5¦(be better)¦ 6¦(food)¦ 7¦(control/deal with)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
beat — 1 verb /bi:t/ past tense beat past participle beaten / bi:tn/ 1 DEFEAT (T) a) to get the most points, votes etc in a game, race, or competition: Brazil were beaten in the final 2 1. | I could always beat my brother at chess. | beat sb hollow… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English