- beat someone out
- beat someone out†to outdistance someone; to perform better than someone. •
We have to beat the other company out, and then we'll have the contract.
•I beat out Walter in the foot race.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
We have to beat the other company out, and then we'll have the contract.
•I beat out Walter in the foot race.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
beat brains out — beat (someone s) brains out 1. to severely criticize someone. How could I win the election with that guy on the radio beating my brains out every day? 2. to seriously hurt someone. I was afraid he was going to come back and beat my brains out … New idioms dictionary
beat someone's brains out — (slang) 1. To kill by hitting repeatedly on the head 2. To subject to a vicious beating • • • Main Entry: ↑beat * * * beat/bash/someone’s brains out informal … Useful english dictionary
beat someone's brains out — beat (someone s) brains out 1. to severely criticize someone. How could I win the election with that guy on the radio beating my brains out every day? 2. to seriously hurt someone. I was afraid he was going to come back and beat my brains out … New idioms dictionary
beat someone’s brains out — 1. tv. to beat someone severely. □ She threatened to beat my brains out. □ Those thugs nearly beat his brains out. 2. tv. to drive oneself hard (to accomplish something). □ I beat my brains out all day to clean this house, and you come in and… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
beat someone's brains out — verb To beat someone very severely … Wiktionary
sort (someone) out — Verb. To beat (someone) up … English slang and colloquialisms
sort (someone) out — Verb. To beat (someone) up … English slang and colloquialisms
beat someone or something out — tv. to utdistance someone or some group; to perform better than someone or some group. □ We have to beat the other com any out, and then we’ll have the contract. CD I beat out Walter in the footrace … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
beat someone up — ASSAULT, attack, mug, thrash; informal knock about/around, do over, work over, rough up, fill in, lay into, lace into, sail into, beat the living daylights out of, let someone have it; Brit. informal duff someone up; N. Amer. informal beat up on … Useful english dictionary
beat someone up — he just snapped and started beating up his abusive father Syn: assault, attack, mug, thrash, do over, work over, rough up, lay into, lace into, sail into, beat the living daylights out of, let someone have it, beat up on, knock around/about … Thesaurus of popular words
knock someone out — 1 I hit him and knocked him out: KNOCK UNCONSCIOUS, knock senseless; floor, prostrate; informal lay out, put out cold, KO, kayo. 2 England was knocked out: ELIMINATE, beat, defeat, vanquish, overwhelm … Useful english dictionary