beat someone to something
- beat someone to something
beat someone to something
to get to something before someone else; to claim something before someone else does. (See also
beat someone
into something.) •
You beat me to it and took the last cookie.
Ken beat John to the door.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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beat someone or something out — tv. to utdistance someone or some group; to perform better than someone or some group. □ We have to beat the other com any out, and then we’ll have the contract. CD I beat out Walter in the footrace … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
beat someone to it — To manage to do something before someone else can • • • Main Entry: ↑beat * * * beat someone to it phrase to do something before someone else When I went to take the keys I found that someone had beaten me to it. Thesaurus: to do something before … Useful english dictionary
beat someone to the punch — beat (someone) to the punch American to do something before someone else does it. I was thinking of applying for that job but Carol beat me to the punch … New idioms dictionary
beat someone to the draw — (USA) If you beat someone to the draw, you do something before they do … The small dictionary of idiomes
beat someone hands down — beat (someone) hands down win (something) hands down to win easily. The last time we played squash he beat me hands down … New idioms dictionary
beat someone down — beat (someone) down to make someone tired or unable to continue doing something. I like the work, but the schedule just beats me down and wears on me. Usage notes: often used in the form be beaten down: Paul was so beaten down by his debts that… … New idioms dictionary
beat someone to it — beat (someone) to it informal to do something before someone else does it. I was just about to open some wine but I see you ve beaten me to it … New idioms dictionary
beat someone back — (usu. be beaten back) force (someone attempting to do something) to retreat I tried to get in but was beaten back by the flames … Useful english dictionary
beat down on something — beat down on (someone/something) to come from the sky with great force. We lay in bed listening to the rain beat down on the metal roof. Even early in the day a blazing sun beat down on them without mercy. Usage notes: said about rain and sun … New idioms dictionary
beat someone to the draw — (USA) If you beat someone to the draw, you do something before they do. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If you beat someone to the draw, you react more quickly and manage to do something before they do. Ross was determined to be… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
beat someone to the punch — informal anticipate or forestall someone s actions * * * beat someone to the punch see ↑punch, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑beat beat (someone) to the punch : to do or achieve something before someone else is able to We were working on a new product but… … Useful english dictionary