- bear something out
- bear something out†[for facts or evidence] to support or confirm a story or explanation. •
The facts don't bear this out.
•Her story bears out exactly what you said.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
The facts don't bear this out.
•Her story bears out exactly what you said.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
bear something out — CONFIRM, corroborate, substantiate, endorse, vindicate, give credence to, support, ratify, warrant, uphold, justify, prove, authenticate, verify. → bear * * * support or confirm something this assumption is not borne out by any evidence * * *… … Useful english dictionary
bear something out — support or confirm something. → bear … English new terms dictionary
bear something out — we re hoping you can bear out his statement Syn: confirm, corroborate, substantiate, endorse, vindicate, give credence to, support, ratify, warrant, uphold, justify, prove, authenticate, verify … Thesaurus of popular words
bear something out — Syn: confirm, corroborate, substantiate, endorse, vindicate, give credence to, support, justify, prove … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
bear — bear1 verb (past bore; past participle borne) 1》 carry or convey. ↘have as an attribute or visible mark. 2》 support (a weight). 3》 [with negative] manage to tolerate: I can t bear it. 4》 give birth to (a child). ↘(of a tree or plant)… … English new terms dictionary
bear — verb 1) I come bearing gifts Syn: carry, bring, transport, move, convey, take, fetch, deliver, tote, lug 2) the bag bore my name Syn: display, exhibit … Thesaurus of popular words
bear — verb 1) she was bearing a box Syn: carry, bring, transport, move, convey, take, fetch; informal tote 2) the bag bore my name Syn: display, be marked with, show, carry … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
bear — bear1 W1 [beə US ber] v past tense bore [bo: US bo:r] past participle borne [bo:n US bo:rn] [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(deal with something)¦ 2 can t bear something 3 bear (something) in mind 4¦(accept/be responsible for)¦ 5¦(support)¦ 6¦(sign/mark)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
bear out — verb support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm (Freq. 3) The stories and claims were born out by the evidence • Syn: ↑corroborate, ↑underpin, ↑support • Derivationally related forms: ↑support ( … Useful english dictionary
bear — I UK [beə(r)] / US [ber] verb [transitive] Word forms bear : present tense I/you/we/they bear he/she/it bears present participle bearing past tense bore UK [bɔː(r)] / US [bɔr] past participle borne UK [bɔː(r)n] / US [bɔrn] *** 1) [usually in… … English dictionary
bear — bear1 /bair/, v., bore or (Archaic) bare; borne or born; bearing. v.t. 1. to hold up; support: to bear the weight of the roof. 2. to hold or remain firm under (a load): The roof will not bear the strain of his weight. 3. to bring forth ( … Universalium