- bear someone up
- bear someone up†to sustain or encourage someone. •
Your encouragement bore me up through a very hard time.
•I will bear up the widow through the funeral service as well as I can.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Your encouragement bore me up through a very hard time.
•I will bear up the widow through the funeral service as well as I can.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
bear someone malice (or ill will) — wish someone harm. → bear … English new terms dictionary
bear someone a grudge — ► bear someone a grudge nurture a feeling of resentment against someone. Main Entry: ↑bear … English terms dictionary
bear someone malice — (or ill will) [with negative] wish someone harm … Useful english dictionary
bear someone a grudge — I nurture a feeling of resentment against someone II bear (or owe) someone a grudge maintain a feeling of ill will or resentment toward someone … Useful english dictionary
bear someone a grudge — nurture a feeling of resentment against someone. → bear … English new terms dictionary
keep (or archaic bear) someone company — spend time with someone to prevent them feeling lonely or bored. → company … English new terms dictionary
bear — Ⅰ. bear [1] ► VERB (past bore; past part. borne) 1) carry. 2) have as a quality or visible mark. 3) support (a weight). 4) (bear oneself) behave in a specified manner: she bore herself w … English terms dictionary
bear — I UK [beə(r)] / US [ber] verb [transitive] Word forms bear : present tense I/you/we/they bear he/she/it bears present participle bearing past tense bore UK [bɔː(r)] / US [bɔr] past participle borne UK [bɔː(r)n] / US [bɔrn] *** 1) [usually in… … English dictionary
bear — I [[t]be͟ə(r)[/t]] VERB USES ♦♦ bears, bearing, bore, borne (Please look at category 19 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) VERB If you bear something somewhere, you carry it there or take it there.… … English dictionary
bear — bear1 verb (past bore; past participle borne) 1》 carry or convey. ↘have as an attribute or visible mark. 2》 support (a weight). 3》 [with negative] manage to tolerate: I can t bear it. 4》 give birth to (a child). ↘(of a tree or plant)… … English new terms dictionary
bear*/ — [beə] (past tense bore [bɔː] ; past participle borne [bɔːn] ) verb [T] I 1) if you cannot bear someone or something, you do not like them at all or cannot accept them Most of her friends can t bear her husband.[/ex] She couldn t bear the thought… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English