give pause — To cause to hesitate • • • Main Entry: ↑pause * * * give (someone) pause (also give (someone) pause for thought) : to cause (someone) to stop and think about something carefully or to have doubts about something I was going to ask her for help,… … Useful english dictionary
give pause to — ► give pause (or give pause for thought) to cause to stop and think before doing something. Main Entry: ↑pause … English terms dictionary
give pause for thought — ► give pause (or give pause for thought) to cause to stop and think before doing something. Main Entry: ↑pause … English terms dictionary
give pause — give (someone) pause to cause someone to stop and think carefully. Surviving a serious car wreck is an experience that really gives you pause … New idioms dictionary
give pause to — cause one to stop and think His problems should give you pause to think a little more carefully about what you do … Idioms and examples
give pause — {v. phr.} To cause you to stop and think; make you doubt or worry. * /The heavy monthly payments gave Mr. Smith pause in his plans to buy a new car./ * /The bad weather gave Miss Carter pause about driving to New York City./ … Dictionary of American idioms
give\ pause — v. phr. To cause you to stop and think; make you doubt or worry. The heavy monthly payments gave Mr. Smith pause in his plans to buy a new car. The bad weather gave Miss Carter pause about driving to New York City … Словарь американских идиом
give pause — idi to cause to hesitate or reconsider, as from surprise or doubt … From formal English to slang
pause — ► NOUN 1) a temporary stop in action or speech. 2) Music a mark ( ) over a note or rest that is to be lengthened by an unspecified amount. ► VERB ▪ stop temporarily. ● give pause (or give pause for thought) to Cf. ↑give pause to … English terms dictionary
give someone pause (for thought) — phrase to make someone think carefully about something a report that should give pause to supporters of the death penalty Thesaurus: to have an effect on someone s emotions or attitudessynonym Main entry: pause … Useful english dictionary