wipe the floor up with someone
- wipe the floor up with someone
wipe the floor up† with someone
Inf. to beat or physically abuse someone. (Usually said as a threat.) •
You say that to me one more time, and I'll wipe the floor up with you.
Oh, yeah! You're not big enough to wipe up the floor with anybody!
Dictionary of American idioms.
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wipe the floor up with someone — Go to op the floor up with someone … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
mop the floor up with someone — AND wipe the floor up with someone tv. o beat someone to a pulp. (Also with other verbs: clean, dust, etc.) □ One more crack like that, and I’ll have Sam wipe the floor up with you. CD Bruno’s job is dusting up the floor with people who don’t… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
wipe the floor with someone — wipe the floor with (someone) British, American & Australian, American to defeat someone easily. Alex is always really good in a debate, she ll wipe the floor with them … New idioms dictionary
wipe the floor with — (someone) British, American & Australian, American to defeat someone easily. Alex is always really good in a debate, she ll wipe the floor with them … New idioms dictionary
wipe the floor with — (UK) If you wipe the floor with someone, you destroy the arguments or defeat them easily … The small dictionary of idiomes
wipe the floor with — phrasal or wipe the ground with : to defeat decisively * * * wipe the floor with To defeat ignominiously • • • Main Entry: ↑floor wipe the floor with see under ↑floor • • • Main Entry: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
wipe the floor with — (UK) If you wipe the floor with someone, you destroy the arguments or defeat them easily. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
wipe the floor with someone — informal 1) to defeat someone very easily in a game or an argument She wiped the floor with the opposition. 2) to hit someone many times … English dictionary
wipe the floor with — cause a huge defeat; humiliate someone … English contemporary dictionary
wipe the floor with someone — … Useful english dictionary
mop the floor with someone — american informal phrase to win a complete victory over someone in a competition or argument. The British phrase is wipe the floor with someone . Thesaurus: to defeat someone in a game, competition or argumentsynonym Main entry: mop … Useful english dictionary