wipe someone or something off
- wipe someone or something off
wipe someone or something off†
to clean something off someone or something by wiping. •
She wiped the baby off and put clean clothes on him.
Please wipe off your shoes.
John fell in the mud and Sam wiped him off.
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wipe off — verb 1. remove by wiping (Freq. 3) • Syn: ↑wipe away • Hypernyms: ↑remove, ↑take, ↑take away, ↑withdraw • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
wipe out — verb 1. kill in large numbers (Freq. 1) the plague wiped out an entire population • Syn: ↑eliminate, ↑annihilate, ↑extinguish, ↑eradicate, ↑decimate, ↑carry off … Useful english dictionary
wipe — [waɪp] verb wipe off phrasal verb [transitive] wipe something off something FINANCE to suddenly reduce the value of shares, a company etc, especially by a large amount: • There was a huge stockmarket crash which wiped 24 percent off stock prices … Financial and business terms
finish someone/something off — 1) the hunters finished them off Syn: kill, execute, terminate, exterminate, liquidate, get rid of; informal wipe out, bump off, dispose of; N.Amer.; informal waste 2) financial difficulties finished us off Syn … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
finish someone/something off — 1 the executioners finished them off: KILL, take/end the life of, execute, terminate, exterminate, liquidate, get rid of; informal wipe out, do in, bump off, take out, dispose of, do away with; N. Amer. informal ice, rub out, waste. 2 financial… … Useful english dictionary
write someone/something off — 1 they have had to write off loans: FORGET ABOUT, disregard, give up on, cancel, annul, wipe out. 2 he wrote off his new car: WRECK, smash up, crash, destroy … Useful english dictionary
wipe — wipe1 [ waıp ] verb transitive ** 1. ) to clean or dry something by moving a cloth or something soft over it: Let me just wipe the table before you sit down. Wipe your mouth. You ve got chocolate all over it. She wiped away her tears. wipe… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wipe — wipe1 S3 [waıp] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(clean/rub)¦ 2¦(remove dirt)¦ 3¦(computer/tape)¦ 4 wipe something from your mind/memory 5 wipe the floor with somebody 6 wipe the slate clean 7 wipe the smile/grin off somebody s face 8 wipe something off the face of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
wipe — I UK [waɪp] / US verb [transitive] Word forms wipe : present tense I/you/we/they wipe he/she/it wipes present participle wiping past tense wiped past participle wiped ** 1) to clean or dry something by moving a cloth or something soft over it Let … English dictionary
wipe — 1 verb 1 CLEAN/RUB (T) a) to rub a surface with a cloth in order to remove dirt, liquid etc: I wiped the table with a damp cloth. | wipe your eyes (=stop crying or remove tears from your face) b) to clean something by rubbing it against a surface … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
wipe — verb 1》 clean or dry by rubbing with a cloth or one s hand. ↘remove (dirt or moisture) in this way. 2》 spread (liquid) over a surface by rubbing. 3》 (often wipe something out) remove or eliminate completely. ↘erase (data) from a magnetic… … English new terms dictionary