toss someone or something off (of) something
- toss someone or something off (of) something
toss someone or something off (of) something & tosssomeone or something off†
to hurl someone or something from something. (
is usually retained before pronouns.) •
The gigantic ape was going to toss the woman off of the Empire State Building.
The ape did not toss off the woman.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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toss — [tôs, täs] vt. [prob. < Scand, as in Norw dial. tossa, to spread, strew; akin to MLowG tōsen, to tear, ME ( to) tusen, to pull to pieces < IE base * dā( i) , to part, tear > TEASE] 1. to throw or pitch about; fling here and there; buffet … English World dictionary
toss — toss1 [tɔs US to:s] v [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Probably from a Scandinavian language] 1.) [T] to throw something, especially something light, with a quick gentle movement of your hand toss sth into/onto etc sth ▪ She crumpled the letter and… … Dictionary of contemporary English
toss — 1 verb 1 THROW (T) to throw something, especially something light, with a quick gentle movement of your hand: toss sth into/down/out of etc: Toss that book over here, will you? | toss sth to sb: “Catch!” said Sandra, tossing her bag to him. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
toss off — verb 1. drink down entirely He downed three martinis before dinner She killed a bottle of brandy that night They popped a few beer after work • Syn: ↑pop, ↑bolt down, ↑belt down, ↑pour down, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
toss — [c]/tɒs / (say tos) verb (tossed or, Poetic, tost, tossing) –verb (t) 1. to throw, pitch, or fling, especially to throw lightly or carelessly: to toss a piece of paper into the wastepaper basket. 2. to throw or send (a ball, etc.) from one to… …
toss — verb 1》 throw lightly or casually. ↘(of a horse) throw (a rider) off its back. ↘throw (a coin) into the air so as to make a choice, based on which side of the coin faces uppermost when it lands. 2》 move from side to side or back and forth … English new terms dictionary
toss — tosser, n. tossingly, adv. /taws, tos/, v., tossed or (Literary) tost; tossing; n. v.t. 1. to throw, pitch, or fling, esp. to throw lightly or carelessly: to toss a piece of paper into the wastebasket. 2. to throw or send from one to another, as… … Universalium
toss off — phrasal verb Word forms toss off : present tense I/you/we/they toss off he/she/it tosses off present participle tossing off past tense tossed off past participle tossed off informal 1) [transitive] to do something quickly, easily, and without… … English dictionary
toss — [[t]tɔs, tɒs[/t]] v. t. 1) to throw, pitch, or fling, esp. to throw lightly or carelessly 2) to throw or send from one to another, as in play: to toss a ball[/ex] 3) to pitch with irregular or careless motions; jerk about 4) to agitate, disturb,… … From formal English to slang
knock off — verb 1. get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing (Freq. 3) The mafia liquidated the informer the double agent was neutralized • Syn: ↑neutralize, ↑neutralise, ↑liquidate, ↑waste, ↑do in … Useful english dictionary
play off — verb set into opposition or rivalry let them match their best athletes against ours pit a chess player against the Russian champion He plays his two children off against each other • Syn: ↑pit, ↑oppose, ↑match • Derivationally related for … Useful english dictionary