throw something open — phrase to make something available for everyone to see or take part in Let’s throw the discussion open to the audience. Thesaurus: to make something more obvious or noticeablesynonym Main entry: open * * * make something accessible the market was … Useful english dictionary
throw something together — throw (something) together to create something quickly without preparation. We came home late and I just threw something together for us to eat. It was one of those low cost movies that studios often throw together … New idioms dictionary
throw something back in someone's face — throw something back in someone’s face informal phrase to behave badly towards someone who has been good to you He threw all her kindness back in her face. Thesaurus: to treat someone unfairlysynonym Main entry: throw * * * … Useful english dictionary
throw something out the window — throw (something) out the window informal : to stop using or thinking about (something) We can throw that idea out the window. • • • Main Entry: ↑window … Useful english dictionary
throw something into the pot — throw (something) into the pot if you throw an idea or a subject into the pot, you suggest it for discussion. Right, I think we ve had enough talk of education. Does anyone have anything else they want to throw into the pot? … New idioms dictionary
throw something on (or into) the scale — contribute something to one side of an argument or debate. → scaling … English new terms dictionary
throw (something) back in (someone's) face — to refuse to accept someone s advice or help in an angry or unpleasant way. Each time I make a suggestion she just throws it back in my face and says I don t understand … New idioms dictionary
throw something on — ˌthrow sthˈon derived to put on a piece of clothing quickly and carelessly • She just threw on the first skirt she found. Main entry: ↑throwderived … Useful english dictionary
throw something away — 1 she hated throwing old clothes away: DISCARD, throw out, dispose of, get rid of, do away with, toss out, scrap, throw on the scrap heap, clear out, dump, jettison; … Useful english dictionary
throw something together — If you throw something together, you make or produce something quickly and without effort. Why don t you stay for dinner I ll throw something together! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
throw something into question — call/bring/throw/something into question phrase to make something seem less certain New evidence has called into question the testimony of this witness. Thesaurus: to make something less certainsynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary