toss in the sponge — Go to throw in the towel … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
throw in the sponge — or[throw up the sponge] or[throw in the towel] {v. phr.}, {informal} To admit defeat; accept loss. * /After taking a beating for five rounds, the fighter s seconds threw in the sponge./ * /When Harold saw his arguments were not being accepted, he … Dictionary of American idioms
throw in the sponge — or[throw up the sponge] or[throw in the towel] {v. phr.}, {informal} To admit defeat; accept loss. * /After taking a beating for five rounds, the fighter s seconds threw in the sponge./ * /When Harold saw his arguments were not being accepted, he … Dictionary of American idioms
sponge — [spunj] n. [ME < OE < L spongia < Gr spongia, spongos] 1. any of a phylum (Porifera) of simple, aquatic, sessile animals having a porous structure and a tough, often siliceous or calcareous, skeleton 2. the elastic skeleton, or a piece… … English World dictionary
sponge — I n. spongy substance 1) to squeeze a sponge symbol of surrender 2) to throw in, toss in the sponge II v. (colloq. ) 1) (D; tr.) ( to wheedle ) to sponge from, off, off of (AE) (he sponged a cigarette from me) 2) (d; intr.) to sponge on ( to… … Combinatory dictionary
sponge — /spʌndʒ / (say spunj) noun 1. any of a group of aquatic (mostly marine) animals (phylum Porifera) which are characterised by a porous structure and (usually) a horny, siliceous, or calcareous skeleton or framework, and which, except in the larval …
throw in the towel — AND throw in the sponge; toss in the sponge tv. to quit; to give up. (From boxing where a towel or sponge thrown into the ring indicates that a boxer has given up.) □ I can tell when it’s time to throw in the towel, and this is that time. □ The… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
SpongeBob SquarePants (season 1) — Spongebob Squarepants SpongeBob SquarePants Country of origin USA … Wikipedia
List of cheerleading stunts — This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. U of S Huskie cheerleader stunt Stunts are defined as building performances displaying a person s skill or dexterity. Stunting in cheerleading has been prev … Wikipedia
throw — /throh/, v., threw, thrown, throwing, n. v.t. 1. to propel or cast in any way, esp. to project or propel from the hand by a sudden forward motion or straightening of the arm and wrist: to throw a ball. 2. to hurl or project (a missile), as a gun… … Universalium
call — /kɔl / (say kawl) verb (t) 1. to cry out in a loud voice. 2. (of a bird or other animal) to utter (its characteristic cry). 3. to announce; proclaim: to call a halt. 4. to read over (a roll or list) in a loud voice. 5. to attract the attention of …