sue someone for something
- sue someone for something
sue someone for something
to file a lawsuit against someone in order to get something. •
I will sue you for damages if you do anything else to my car!
She sued her employer for failure to provide a safe workplace.
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sue — [ su ] verb intransitive or transitive ** to make a legal claim against someone, usually to get money from them because they have done something bad to you. The legal claim is called a lawsuit: If we go public with these allegations, do you think … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sue */*/ — UK [suː] / UK [sjuː] / US [su] verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms sue : present tense I/you/we/they sue he/she/it sues present participle suing past tense sued past participle sued to make a legal claim against someone, usually to get… … English dictionary
sue — verb (I, T) to make a legal claim against someone, especially for an amount of money, because you have been harmed in some way: If the builders don t fulfil their side of the contract, we ll sue. | sue sb for libel/negligence/malpractice etc… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
something — some|thing W1S1 [ˈsʌmθıŋ] pron 1.) used to mean a particular thing when you do not know its name or do not know exactly what it is →↑anything, everything ↑everything, nothing ↑nothing ▪ There s something in my eye. ▪ Sarah said something about… … Dictionary of contemporary English
sue — vb sued, su·ing [Anglo French suer suire, literally, to follow, pursue, from Old French sivre, ultimately from Latin sequi to follow] vt: to bring an action against: seek justice from by legal process vi: to bring an action in court Merriam… … Law dictionary
Sue Thompson — Sue Thomson (* 19. Juli 1926 in Nevada, Missouri; bürgerlich: Eva Sue McKee) ist eine US amerikanische Popmusik und Country Sängerin. In den 1960er Jahren war sie mehrfach in den Hot 100 Charts vertreten. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben … Deutsch Wikipedia
care for — verb 1. have a liking, fondness, or taste (for) (Freq. 4) • Hypernyms: ↑like • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Somebody s VERB ing 2. be fond of; be attached to … Useful english dictionary
look for — verb 1. try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of (Freq. 50) The police are searching for clues They are searching for the missing man in the entire county • Syn: ↑search, ↑seek • Derivationally related forms: ↑s … Useful english dictionary
send for — verb order, request, or command to come (Freq. 4) She was called into the director s office Call the police! • Syn: ↑call • See Also: ↑call forth (for: ↑cal … Useful english dictionary
give someone short shrift — give (someone/something) short shrift to give very little attention to someone or something, either because you are not interested in them or because you are annoyed with them. A planning application for a new nightclub in the town centre was… … New idioms dictionary
give something short shrift — give (someone/something) short shrift to give very little attention to someone or something, either because you are not interested in them or because you are annoyed with them. A planning application for a new nightclub in the town centre was… … New idioms dictionary