subsist on — [phrasal verb] subsist on (something) : to use (something) as a way to stay alive : to live on (something) poor people subsisting on just one or two dollars a day The villagers subsist almost entirely on rice and fish. ( … Useful english dictionary
subsist — /səbˈsɪst / (say suhb sist) verb (i) 1. to exist, or continue in existence. 2. to continue alive; live, as on food, resources, etc., especially when these are limited. 3. to have existence in, or by reason of, something. 4. Philosophy a. to have… …
subsist — subsistingly, adv. /seuhb sist /, v.i. 1. to exist; continue in existence. 2. to remain alive; live, as on food, resources, etc. 3. to have existence in, or by reason of, something. 4. to reside, lie, or consist (usually fol. by in). 5. Philos. a … Universalium
subsist — sub•sist [[t]səbˈsɪst[/t]] v. i. 1) to exist; continue in existence 2) to remain alive; live, as on food, resources, etc 3) to have existence in, or by reason of, something 4) to reside, lie, or consist (usu. fol. by in) 5) to provide sustenance… … From formal English to slang
exist, subsist — To exist is to live, to be, to have life : Raccoons exist in that forest. Hatred of war exists in all nations. To subsist also means to have life but with the additional idea of doing so by dependence upon something else, such as food, water, and … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
Thomas Aquinas — Brian Davies OP Thomas Aquinas, son of Landulf d’Aquino and his wife Theodora, was born sometime between 1224 and 1226 in what was then the Kingdom of Naples.1 After a childhood education at the Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino, he studied… … History of philosophy
John Scottus Eriugena and Anselm of Canterbury — Stephen Gersh INTRODUCTION by John Marenbon John Scottus Eriugena came from Ireland, as his name indicates (‘Scottus’ meant ‘Irishman’ in the Latin of this period, and ‘Eriugena’, a neologism invented by John himself, is a flowery way of saying… … History of philosophy
Copyright expiration in Australia — is generally either 50 or 70 years after a work was created. The law has evolved over the years, and photographs are treated differently to other published work. Generally, anonymous works pre 1955 are no longer copyright. If the author is known… … Wikipedia
Online service provider law — is a summary and case law tracking page for laws, legal decisions and issues relating to online service providers, like the Wikipedia and internet service providers, from the viewpoint of an OSP considering its liability and customer service… … Wikipedia
Categorical imperative — Part of a series on Immanue … Wikipedia
Rousseau (Jean-Jacques) and Burke — Jean Jacques Rousseau and Burke Ian Harris Those who thought about the social and political order directed their attention to a new centre of interest towards the end of the seventeenth century. It was not that speculation about political… … History of philosophy