shore something up — support or hold up with shores. → shore … English new terms dictionary
shore something up — … Useful english dictionary
shore — [ʆɔː ǁ ʆɔːr] verb shore something → up phrasal verb [transitive] to help a system or organization that is likely to fail or is not working well: • The company was shored up by an emergency infusion of cash from its main bank … Financial and business terms
shore up — verb support by placing against something solid or rigid (Freq. 2) shore and buttress an old building • Syn: ↑prop up, ↑prop, ↑shore • Derivationally related forms: ↑shore (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
shore — shore1 noun 1》 the land along the edge of a sea, lake, etc. ↘Law the land between ordinary high and low water marks. 2》 (also shores) literary a country or other geographic area bounded by a coast: distant shores. Phrases in shore on the… … English new terms dictionary
shore up something — shore up (something) to make something stronger by supporting it. Part of the roof collapsed, and emergency workers had to shore up walls to prevent further damage. Central banks try to shore the economy up by lowering interest rates … New idioms dictionary
shore up — (something) to make something stronger by supporting it. Part of the roof collapsed, and emergency workers had to shore up walls to prevent further damage. Central banks try to shore the economy up by lowering interest rates … New idioms dictionary
shore — Ⅰ. shore [1] ► NOUN 1) the land along the edge of a sea, lake, etc. 2) (also shores) literary a country or other geographic area bounded by a coast: distant shores. ● in shore Cf. ↑in shore ● … English terms dictionary
shore — shore1 [shôr] n. [ME schore < OE * score (akin to MLowG schore) < or akin to scorian, to jut out < IE base * (s)ker , to cut > HARVEST] 1. land at or near the edge of a body of water, esp. along an ocean, large lake, etc. 2. land as… … English World dictionary
shore — shore1 [ ʃɔr ] noun ** 1. ) count the land that is on the edge of a lake, river, or ocean: We stayed in a hotel on the shores of Half Moon Bay. Three of the sailors managed to swim to the shore. 2. ) shores plural LITERARY used about a country or … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
shore — shore1 [ʃo: US ʃo:r] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Middle Dutch; Origin: Middle Low German schore] 1.) [U and C] the land along the edge of a large area of water such as an ocean or lake ▪ We could see a boat about a mile from shore. ▪ Only a few… … Dictionary of contemporary English