scarce — adjective 1) food was scarce scarce financial resources Syn: in short supply, scant, scanty, meager, sparse, short, hard to find, hard to come by, too little, insufficient, deficient, inadequate, lacking, wanting; a … Thesaurus of popular words
premium — n 1. discount, deduction, cut, price reduction, Inf. rollback; refund, rebate, agio, (all on the London stock exchange) contango, continuation, backwardation. 2. prize, award, reward, Literary. guerdon, bounty, Archaic. meed; extra, something… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
rare — adj 1. uncommon, unusual, uncustomary, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, unwonted, unique; singular, exceptional, out of the ordinary, noteworthy, notable, distinctive, atypical, individual; unexampled, unparalleled, unprecedented, unheard of, recherchd; … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
recherche — adj special, singular, exceptional, unique, individual, one of a kind; prize, valuable, priceless, invaluable, costly, expensive; rare, scarce, in short supply, not to be found, not to be had, Inf. scarcer than hen s teeth; different, unusual,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
scarce — adj 1. scant, scanty, exiguous, unplentiful, in short supply, at a premium, not to be had, not to be had for love or money, Inf. scarcer than hen s teeth; meager, skimpy, paltry, too little, not enough, too little, too late; short, low, tight,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder