regard someone or something as someone or something
- regard someone or something as someone or something
regard someone or something as someone or something
to look upon someone or something as someone or something; to consider someone or something to be someone or something. •
I have always regarded you as my friend.
The cult members regarded the stone idol as their dead leader.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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regard / regardless / regards — Regard v. usually means to have an opinion about something or someone. For example: I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms. Oscar Wilde It can also mean to look carefully at something or someone. For example: The students… … English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words
regard / regardless / regards — Regard v. usually means to have an opinion about something or someone. For example: I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms. Oscar Wilde It can also mean to look carefully at something or someone. For example: The students… … English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words
regard / regardless / regards — Regard v. usually means to have an opinion about something or someone. For example: I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms. Oscar Wilde It can also mean to look carefully at something or someone. For example: The students… … English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words
regard */*/*/ — I UK [rɪˈɡɑː(r)d] / US [rɪˈɡɑrd] verb [transitive] Word forms regard : present tense I/you/we/they regard he/she/it regards present participle regarding past tense regarded past participle regarded 1) [not usually progressive] to think of someone … English dictionary
regard — re|gard1 [ rı gard ] verb transitive *** 1. ) not usually progressive to think of something or someone in a particular way: regard someone/something as something: The nuclear reactors, which were regarded as dangerously out of date, were replaced … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
regard — [[t]rɪgɑ͟ː(r)d[/t]] ♦♦ regards, regarding, regarded 1) VERB If you regard someone or something as being a particular thing or as having a particular quality, you believe that they are that thing or have that quality. [be V ed as n] He was… … English dictionary
regard — n Regard, respect, esteem, admiration, and their corresponding verbs (regard, respect, esteem, admire) are comparable when they mean a feeling, or to have a feeling, for someone or something which involves recognition of that person s or thing s… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
regard — re|gard1 S3 [rıˈga:d US a:rd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(admiration/respect)¦ 2¦(attention/consideration)¦ 3 with/in regard to something 4 in this/that regard 5 regards 6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: regarder; REGARD2] … Dictionary of contemporary English
regard — 1 noun formal 1 RESPECT (U) respect for someone or something (+ for): She has so little regard for him, she is unlikely to follow his advice. | hold sb/sth in high regard (=admire and respect them very much): a teacher who is held in high regard… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
regard*/*/*/ — [rɪˈgɑːd] verb [T] I 1) to think of someone or something in a particular way I regard him as a friend.[/ex] 2) literary to look at someone or something • as regards formal concerning someone or something[/ex] See: regarding II noun regard… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
regard — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. consider, deem, observe, mark, note; respect, repute, esteem; concern. n. reference, concern, gaze, scrutiny, attention, deference, esteem. See relation, vision. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Attention]… … English dictionary for students