put the squeeze on someone
- put the squeeze on someone
put the squeeze on someone
1. Inf. to attempt to get money out of someone. •
The mob put the squeeze on all the merchants, threatening to break their windows if they didn't pay.
Are you trying to put the squeeze on me for more money?
2. Go to
put the heat on (someone
Dictionary of American idioms.
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put the squeeze on someone — put the squeeze on (someone/something) 1. to try to influence a person or organization to make them act in the way you want. Human rights activists hope the US president will put the squeeze on the island s rulers. 2. to cause problems for… … New idioms dictionary
put the squeeze on someone — Go to put he screws on someone … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
put the screws on someone — AND put the heat on someone; put the squeeze on someone tv. to pressure someone; to threaten someone to achieve something. □ He told everything about the plan when they put the screws on him. □ The cops put the squeeze on Harry, and he spilled… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
put the squeeze on something — put the squeeze on (someone/something) 1. to try to influence a person or organization to make them act in the way you want. Human rights activists hope the US president will put the squeeze on the island s rulers. 2. to cause problems for… … New idioms dictionary
put the squeeze on — (someone/something) 1. to try to influence a person or organization to make them act in the way you want. Human rights activists hope the US president will put the squeeze on the island s rulers. 2. to cause problems for someone, especially by… … New idioms dictionary
put the squeeze on — If you put the squeeze on someone, you put pressure on them to force them to do something. Bob was reluctant to work with Ben until the boss put the squeeze on him … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
put the squeeze on — (informal) To extort money from • • • Main Entry: ↑squeeze * * * informal coerce or pressure (someone) … Useful english dictionary
Squeeze — Squeeze, n. 1. The act of one who squeezes; compression between bodies; pressure. [1913 Webster] 2. A facsimile impression taken in some soft substance, as pulp, from an inscription on stone. [1913 Webster] 3. (Mining) The gradual closing of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
squeeze — c.1600, probably an alteration of quease (c.1550), from O.E. cwysan to squeeze, of unknown origin, perhaps imitative (Cf. Ger. quetschen to squeeze ). Slang expression to put the squeeze on (someone or something) exert influence is from 1711.… … Etymology dictionary
squeeze — [c]/skwiz / (say skweez) verb (squeezed, squeezing) –verb (t) 1. to press forcibly together; compress. 2. to apply pressure to in order to extract something: to squeeze a lemon. 3. to thrust forcibly; force by pressure; cram: to squeeze three… …
squeeze — [skwēz] vt. squeezed, squeezing [intens. of ME queisen < OE cwysan, to squeeze, dash against, bruise, akin to Goth quistjan, to destroy < IE base * gweye , to overpower > Sans jināti, (he) conquers] 1. to press hard or closely; exert… … English World dictionary