put ideas into someone's head
- put ideas into someone's head
put ideas into someone's head
Fig. to suggest something— usually something bad—to someone (who would not have thought of it otherwise). •
Bill keeps getting into trouble. Please don't put ideas into his head.
Bob would get along all right if other kids didn't put ideas into his head.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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put ideas into someone's head — To fill someone with unsuitable or over exalted aspirations • • • Main Entry: ↑idea * * * put ideas into someone’s head informal phrase to make someone think that they can or should do something, especially something that other people do not… … Useful english dictionary
put ideas into someone's head — put ideas into (someone s) head to make someone want to do something they had not thought about doing before, especially something stupid. Don t go putting ideas into his head. We haven t got the money for a car. (often in continuous tenses) Who… … New idioms dictionary
put ideas into someone's head — informal to make someone think that they can or should do something, especially something that other people do not approve of Don t talk to Ralph about joining the army: I don t want you putting ideas into his head … English dictionary
put ideas into one's head — {v. phr.} To persuade someone to do something negative; put one up to something. * /Billy would never have poured glue into his father s shoes if the neighbor s son hadn t been putting ideas into his head./ … Dictionary of American idioms
put ideas into one's head — {v. phr.} To persuade someone to do something negative; put one up to something. * /Billy would never have poured glue into his father s shoes if the neighbor s son hadn t been putting ideas into his head./ … Dictionary of American idioms
put\ ideas\ into\ one's\ head — v. phr. To persuade someone to do something negative; put one up to something. Billy would never have poured glue into his father s shoes if the neighbor s son hadn t been putting ideas into his head … Словарь американских идиом
put something into someone's head — suggest something to someone who s being putting ideas into your head? … Useful english dictionary
put ideas into head — put ideas into (someone s) head to make someone want to do something they had not thought about doing before, especially something stupid. Don t go putting ideas into his head. We haven t got the money for a car. (often in continuous tenses) Who… … New idioms dictionary
head — [[t]he̱d[/t]] ♦ heads, heading, headed (Head is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words in the dictionary. For example, the expression off the top of your head is explained at top .) 1) N COUNT Your head is the … English dictionary
head — head1 [ hed ] noun *** ▸ 1 top part of body ▸ 2 your mind and thoughts ▸ 3 leader of group ▸ 4 top/front part of something ▸ 5 white bubbles on beer ▸ 6 where river begins ▸ 7 top of drum ▸ 8 center of spot on skin ▸ 9 for counting animals ▸ 10… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
head */*/*/ — I UK [hed] / US noun Word forms head : singular head plural heads 1) [countable] the top part of your body that has your brain, eyes, mouth etc in it a bruise on the side of her head • Collocations: Verbs frequently used with head as the object… … English dictionary