put a smile on someone's face
- put a smile on someone's face
put a smile on someone's face
Fig. to please someone; to make someone happy. •
We are going to give Andy a pretty good raise, and I know that'll put a smile on his face.
The surprise birthday party really put a smile on my dad's face.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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put a smile on someone’s face — tv. to lease someone; to make someone happy. □ We are going to give Andy a pretty good raise, and I know that’ll put a smile on his face. □ I was able to pay a few dollars down, and that put a smile on the clerk’s face … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
put — W1S1 [put] v past tense and past participle put present participle putting [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(move to place)¦ 2¦(change somebody s situation/feelings)¦ 3¦(write/print something)¦ 4¦(express)¦ 5 put a stop/an end to something 6 put something into… … Dictionary of contemporary English
face — face1 W1S1 [feıs] n ↑ear, ↑nose, ↑tooth, ↑eye ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(front of your head)¦ 2¦(expression)¦ 3 keep a straight face 4 pale faced/round faced etc 5 grim faced/serious faced etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
face — 1 /feIs/ noun (C) 1 FRONT OF YOUR HEAD the front part of the head from the chin to the forehead: She has such a pretty face. | Bob s face was covered in cuts and bruises. | a sea of faces (=a lot of faces seen together): The Principal looked down … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
face — face1 [ feıs ] noun count *** ▸ 1 front of head ▸ 2 mountain/building side ▸ 3 side of coin ▸ 4 way something looks/appears ▸ 5 one flat side of object ▸ 6 front of clock ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) the front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
face */*/*/ — I UK [feɪs] / US noun [countable] Word forms face : singular face plural faces 1) the front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and mouth are She wiped her face. He had a big smile on his face. The ball hit me in the face. a) the expression … English dictionary
face*/*/*/ — [feɪs] noun [C] I 1) the front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and mouth are She wiped her face.[/ex] He had a big smile on his face.[/ex] The ball hit me in the face.[/ex] 2) a side of something the mountain s north face[/ex] the faces … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
smile — smileless, adj. smilelessly, adv. smilelessness, n. smiler, n. smilingly, adv. /smuyl/, v., smiled, smiling, n. v.i. 1. to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favor, or amusement, but sometimes derision or scorn, characterized by an… … Universalium
The Face on the Barroom Floor (poem) — The Face on the Barroom Floor is a poem written by Hugh Antoine D Arcy in 1887. OverviewWritten in ballad form, it tells the story of an artist ruined by love; having lost his beloved Madeline to another man, he has turned to drink. In the poem,… … Wikipedia
make a face — verb contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do • Syn: ↑grimace, ↑pull a face • Derivationally related forms: ↑grimace (for: ↑grimace) … Useful english dictionary
straight face — noun a serious facial expression giving no evidence of interest or amusement (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑facial expression, ↑facial gesture * * * noun : a face giving no evidence of emotion and especially of merriment • straight faced ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷… … Useful english dictionary