pour cold water on something
- pour cold water on something
pour cold water on something
1. Lit. to douse something with cold water. •
Pour cold water on the vegetables to freshen them.
I poured cold water on my head to cool myself off.
2. and
dash cold water on something; throw cold water on something Fig. to discourage doing something; to reduce enthusiasm for something. (Alludes to cooling passion with cold water.) •
When my father said I couldn't have the car, he poured cold water on my plans.
John threw cold water on the whole project by refusing to participate.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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pour cold water on something — throw/pour/cold water on something phrase to do or say something that spoils someone’s plans or enthusiasm for doing something He’s always throwing cold water on her ideas. Thesaurus: to make someone feel disappointed or less hopefulsynonym… … Useful english dictionary
pour cold water on (something) — pour/throw cold water on (something) informal if you pour cold water on opinions or ideas, you criticize them and stop people believing them or being excited about them. Margaret Thatcher poured cold water on the idea of a European central bank … New idioms dictionary
pour cold water on something — tv. to put n end to something; to dampen something. □ I hate to pour cold water on your plan, but it won’t work. □ I wanted to go to the party, but my brother poured cold water on that by taking the car … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
throw cold water on something — throw/pour/cold water on something phrase to do or say something that spoils someone’s plans or enthusiasm for doing something He’s always throwing cold water on her ideas. Thesaurus: to make someone feel disappointed or less hopefulsynonym… … Useful english dictionary
pour\ cold\ water\ on — • throw cold water on • dash cold water on • pour cold water on v. phr. To discourage; say or do something to discourage. We had high hopes of victory but our opponents soon threw cold water on them. Henry s father threw cold water on his plans… … Словарь американских идиом
pour cold water on — verb be discouraging or negative about • Syn: ↑throw cold water on • Hypernyms: ↑discourage • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Somebody s somebody * * * see … Useful english dictionary
throw cold water on (something) — pour/throw cold water on (something) informal if you pour cold water on opinions or ideas, you criticize them and stop people believing them or being excited about them. Margaret Thatcher poured cold water on the idea of a European central bank … New idioms dictionary
pour — [ pɔ ] verb *** 1. ) transitive to make a liquid or substance flow out of a container that you are holding: Sit down and I ll pour you a drink. pour something into/over/down something: Pour the mixture into a dish and bake for 45 minutes. He… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dash\ cold\ water\ on — • throw cold water on • dash cold water on • pour cold water on v. phr. To discourage; say or do something to discourage. We had high hopes of victory but our opponents soon threw cold water on them. Henry s father threw cold water on his plans… … Словарь американских идиом
throw\ cold\ water\ on — • throw cold water on • dash cold water on • pour cold water on v. phr. To discourage; say or do something to discourage. We had high hopes of victory but our opponents soon threw cold water on them. Henry s father threw cold water on his plans… … Словарь американских идиом
throw cold water on — also[dash cold water on] or[pour cold water on] {v. phr.} To discourage; say or do something to discourage. * /We had high hopes of victory but our opponents soon threw cold water on them./ * /Henry s father threw cold water on his plans to go to … Dictionary of American idioms