play back something — play back (something) to show a film or listen to a something recorded earlier. I m filming the race, so if we don t see it, we can always play back the videotape. Then you can edit the song on your computer and play it back … New idioms dictionary
play down something — play down (something) to try to make something seem less serious than it really is. He played down the seriousness of his condition because he didn t want anyone to worry. It s a sensitive issue, and they want to play it down until after the… … New idioms dictionary
play on something — play on (something) to use something for your own advantage. The news reports just seemed to play on people s emotions … New idioms dictionary
play up something — play up (something) to make something more easily noticed. The report plays up the benefits of the plan but doesn t say much about the costs. Instead of being defeated by her cancer treatment, she played it up, even showing off her bald head at… … New idioms dictionary
play at something — play at (something) to pretend to do something. The two men thought they might trick their guards by playing at sleep … New idioms dictionary
play out something — play out (something) to go through a process. We re waiting to see how the debate about more education reform will play itself out in the weeks ahead … New idioms dictionary
play with something — play with (something) to use something in a way that is not serious or careful. She s playing with a dangerous drug. The budget is just playing with numbers and doesn t make sense … New idioms dictionary
play on something — ˈplay on/upon sth derived to take advantage of sb s feelings, etc. Syn: ↑exploit • Advertisements often play on people s fears. Main entry: ↑playderived … Useful english dictionary
play upon something — ˈplay on/upon sth derived to take advantage of sb s feelings, etc. Syn: ↑exploit • Advertisements often play on people s fears. Main entry: ↑playderived … Useful english dictionary
play at something doing something — ˈplay at sth/at doing sth derived (often disapproving) to do sth without being serious about it or putting much effort into it Main entry: ↑playderived … Useful english dictionary
play with something — … Useful english dictionary