play both ends (against the middle)
- play both ends (against the middle)
play both ends (against the middle)
Fig. [for one] to scheme in a way that pits two sides against each other (for one's own gain). •
I told my brother that Mary doesn't like him. Then I told Mary that my brother doesn't like her. They broke up, so now I can have the car this weekend. I succeeded in playing both ends against the middle.
If you try to play both ends, you're likely to get in trouble with both sides.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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play both ends against the middle — ► play both ends against the middle keep one s options open by supporting opposing sides. Main Entry: ↑play … English terms dictionary
play both ends against the middle — phrasal : to play off opposing interests against each other to one s own ultimate profit * * * play both ends against the middle informal phrase to make two people or groups oppose each other so that you can gain something Thesaurus: to cause… … Useful english dictionary
play both ends against the middle — American, informal to try to make two people or groups compete with each other in order to get an advantage for yourself. He s playing both ends against the middle telling two prospective employers that the other has offered a higher salary … New idioms dictionary
play both ends against the middle — phrasal to set opposing interests against each other to one s own ultimate profit … New Collegiate Dictionary
play both ends against the middle — place two sides in opposition in order to try and attain an advantage … English contemporary dictionary
play both ends against the middle — informal to make two people or groups oppose each other so that you can gain something … English dictionary
play both ends against the middle — idi to maneuver opposing groups in order to benefit oneself … From formal English to slang
play — ► VERB 1) engage in games or other activities for enjoyment rather than for a serious or practical purpose. 2) take part in (a sport or contest). 3) compete against. 4) take a specified position in a sports team. 5) represent (a character) in a… … English terms dictionary
play — [plā] vi. [ME plein < OE plegan, to play, be active] 1. to move lightly, rapidly, or erratically; flutter [sunlight playing on the waves] 2. to amuse oneself, as by taking part in a game or sport; engage in recreation 3. to take active part in … English World dictionary
play — playingly, adv. playless, adj. playlike, adj. /play/, n. 1. a dramatic composition or piece; drama. 2. a dramatic performance, as on the stage. 3. exercise or activity for amusement or recreation. 4. fun or jest, as opposed to seriousness: I said … Universalium
play — /pleɪ / (say play) noun 1. a dramatic composition or piece; a drama. 2. a dramatic performance, as on the stage. 3. exercise or action by way of amusement or recreation. 4. fun, jest, or trifling, as opposed to earnest: he said it merely in play …