peg — peg1 [ peg ] noun count * 1. ) an object attached to a wall, door, etc. and used for hanging things on: CLOTHES PEG: Her coat hung from a peg behind the door. a ) an object used for fastening things together: The furniture is built using wooden… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
peg — I UK [peɡ] / US noun [countable] Word forms peg : singular peg plural pegs * 1) British a wooden or plastic object used for fastening wet clothes onto a line so that they will dry 2) an object fixed to a wall, door etc and used for hanging things … English dictionary
peg — peg1 [peg] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(short stick)¦ 2¦(hanging wet clothes)¦ 3¦(tent)¦ 4 take/bring somebody down a peg (or two) 5¦(musical instrument)¦ 6 a peg to hang something on 7¦(drink)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: Probably from Middle Dutch pegge] … Dictionary of contemporary English
peg — pegless, adj. peglike, adj. /peg/, n., v., pegged, pegging, adj. n. 1. a pin of wood or other material driven or fitted into something, as to fasten parts together, to hang things on, to make fast a rope or string on, to stop a hole, or to mark… … Universalium
peg — [[t]pɛg[/t]] n. v. pegged, peg•ging, adj. 1) bui a cylindrical or tapered pin of wood, metal, etc., driven or fitted into something as a fastening, support or stopper 2) a notch or degree: to come down a peg[/ex] 3) an occasion, basis, or reason … From formal English to slang
peg — ► NOUN 1) a short projecting pin or bolt used for hanging things on, securing something in place, or marking a position. 2) a clip for holding things together or hanging up clothes. 3) chiefly Indian a measure of spirits. 4) a point or limit on a … English terms dictionary
peg — [[t]pe̱g[/t]] ♦♦♦ pegs, pegging, pegged 1) N COUNT A peg is a small hook or knob that is attached to a wall or door and is used for hanging things on. His work jacket hung on the peg in the kitchen. 2) N COUNT A peg is a small device which you… … English dictionary
peg — /pɛg / (say peg) noun 1. a pin of wood or other material driven or fitted into something, as to fasten parts together, to hang things on, to make fast a rope or string on, to stop a hole, or to mark some point. 2. Colloquial a leg, sometimes one… …
peg — 1 noun (C) 1 CLOTHES a) a short piece of wood, metal etc fixed to a wall or door, used for hanging things on, especially clothes: Hang your coat up on the peg. b) BrE a small piece of plastic or wood used for fastening wet clothes to a line to… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
peg down — verb 1. fasten or secure with a wooden pin (Freq. 1) peg a tent • Syn: ↑peg • See Also: ↑peg down (for: ↑peg) • Derivationally related forms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
peg — noun 1》 a short projecting pin or bolt used for hanging things on, securing something in place, or marking a position. ↘a clip for holding things together or hanging up clothes. ↘a place marked by a peg and allotted to a competitor to… … English new terms dictionary