- No fair!
- No fair!Inf. That isn't fair! •
Bill: No fair! You cheated! Bob: I did not!
•“No fair,” shouted Tom. “You stepped over the line!”
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Bill: No fair! You cheated! Bob: I did not!
•“No fair,” shouted Tom. “You stepped over the line!”
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Fair use — is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as use for scholarship or review. It provides for the legal, non licensed citation or… … Wikipedia
Fair trade debate — Fair trade s increasing popularity has drawn criticism from both ends of the political spectrum. Different arguments are used by those who favour and by those who oppose fair trade, or feel that more strict standards and higher fair trade prices… … Wikipedia
Fair dealing — is a doctrine of limitations and exceptions to copyright which is found in many of the common law jurisdictions of the Commonwealth of Nations.Fair dealing is an enumerated set of possible defenses against an action for infringement of an… … Wikipedia
Fair Stone — ist der erste vollständige internationale Standard für den globalen Handel in der Natursteinwirtschaft. Er soll dem Natursteinhandel die Sicherheit geben, dass importierte Natursteine in Abbau und Verarbeitung anerkannten sozialen und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
fair-play — [ fɛrplɛ ] n. m. inv. • 1849; loc. angl. « franc jeu », « jeu loyal » ♦ Acceptation loyale des règles (d un jeu, d un sport). « Toute la vie anglaise n est qu une partie de sport, un fair play qui a ses lois et ses usages chevaleresques »… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fair value — Fair value, also called fair price, is a concept used in finance and economics, defined as a rational and unbiased estimate of the potential market price of a good, service, or asset, taking into account such factors as: * relative scarcity *… … Wikipedia
fair — adj 1: characterized by honesty and justice: free from self interest, deception, injustice, or favoritism a fair and impartial tribunal 2: reasonable as a basis for exchange a fair wage a fair valuation 3: consistent with merit or importance … Law dictionary
Fair — (f[^a]r), a. [Compar. {Fairer}; superl. {Fairest}.] [OE. fair, fayer, fager, AS. f[ae]ger; akin to OS. & OHG. fagar, Icel. fagr, Sw. fager, Dan. faver, Goth. fagrs fit, also to E. fay, G. f[ u]gen, to fit. fegen to sweep, cleanse, and prob. also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fair ball — Fair Fair (f[^a]r), a. [Compar. {Fairer}; superl. {Fairest}.] [OE. fair, fayer, fager, AS. f[ae]ger; akin to OS. & OHG. fagar, Icel. fagr, Sw. fager, Dan. faver, Goth. fagrs fit, also to E. fay, G. f[ u]gen, to fit. fegen to sweep, cleanse, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fair hit — Fair Fair (f[^a]r), a. [Compar. {Fairer}; superl. {Fairest}.] [OE. fair, fayer, fager, AS. f[ae]ger; akin to OS. & OHG. fagar, Icel. fagr, Sw. fager, Dan. faver, Goth. fagrs fit, also to E. fay, G. f[ u]gen, to fit. fegen to sweep, cleanse, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fair maid — Fair Fair (f[^a]r), a. [Compar. {Fairer}; superl. {Fairest}.] [OE. fair, fayer, fager, AS. f[ae]ger; akin to OS. & OHG. fagar, Icel. fagr, Sw. fager, Dan. faver, Goth. fagrs fit, also to E. fay, G. f[ u]gen, to fit. fegen to sweep, cleanse, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English