make short work of someone or something
- make short work of someone or something
make short work of someone or something & make fast work of someone or something
to finish with someone or something quickly. •
I made short work of Tom so I could leave the office to play golf.
Billy made fast work of his dinner so he could go out and play.
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make short work of someone — make short work of (someone/something) to deal with someone or something quickly. We made short work of the food that was put in front of us. The boxer made short work of his challenger … New idioms dictionary
make short work of something — make short work of (someone/something) to deal with someone or something quickly. We made short work of the food that was put in front of us. The boxer made short work of his challenger … New idioms dictionary
make short work of — (someone/something) to deal with someone or something quickly. We made short work of the food that was put in front of us. The boxer made short work of his challenger … New idioms dictionary
make short/quick/light work of — 1 : to make it possible for (something) to be done quickly or easily This new snow shovel makes short work of clearing off the driveway. ◇ The expression many hands make light work means that people can do things more quickly and easily when they … Useful english dictionary
short — I [[t]ʃɔ͟ː(r)t[/t]] ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB USES ♦ shorter, shortest (Please look at category 24 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) ADJ GRADED If something is short or lasts for a short time, it does… … English dictionary
work — [wʉrk] n. [ME werk < OE weorc, akin to Ger werk < IE base * werĝ , to do, act > Gr ergon (for * wergon), action, work, organon, tool, instrument] 1. physical or mental effort exerted to do or make something; purposeful activity; labor;… … English World dictionary
short — short1 W1S1 [ʃo:t US ʃo:rt] adj comparative shorter superlative shortest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(time)¦ 2¦(length/distance)¦ 3¦(not tall)¦ 4¦(book/letter)¦ 5¦(not enough)¦ 6 be short on something 7¦(less than)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
work — 1 verb DO A JOB 1 (I) to do a job that you are paid for: Harry is 78, and still working. (+ for): David works for the BBC. | work as a secretary/builder etc: She works as a management consultant for a design company. | work long hours/nights etc … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
work — work1 [ wɜrk ] verb *** ▸ 1 have job ▸ 2 spend time doing something ▸ 3 operate well ▸ 4 have effect ▸ 5 move gradually ▸ 6 shape a substance ▸ 7 do calculation ▸ 8 grow crops on land ▸ 9 dig substances out ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive to have a … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
work — [[t]wɜ͟ː(r)k[/t]] ♦ works, working, worked 1) VERB People who work have a job, usually one which they are paid to do. [V prep/adv] Weiner works for the US Department of Transport... [V prep/adv] I started working in a recording studio... [V… … English dictionary
short — 1 adjective LENGTH/HEIGHT/DISTANCE 1 measuring a small amount in distance or length: a short corridor with two rooms on each side | a short skirt | It s a short drive from the airport. | Anita had her hair cut short. 2 PERSON someone who is short … Longman dictionary of contemporary English