make a monkey (out) of someone
- make a monkey (out) of someone
make a fool (out) of someone & make a monkey (out) of someone
to make someone look foolish. •
John made a monkey out of himself while trying to make a fool out of Jim.
John made a fool out of himself at the party.
Are you trying to make a monkey out of me?
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make a monkey (out) of (someone) — old fashioned to make someone seem stupid. That s enough of your silly tricks. Nobody makes a monkey out of me! … New idioms dictionary
make a monkey out of someone — phrase to make someone seem stupid Thesaurus: mocking and mockeryhyponym laughter and the sound of laughtersynonym Main entry: monkey … Useful english dictionary
make a monkey out of someone — to make someone seem stupid … English dictionary
make a monkey out of — informal : to cause (someone) to look very foolish : to make a fool out of (someone) I m not going to let that salesman make a monkey out of me! • • • Main Entry: ↑monkey … Useful english dictionary
make a monkey out of — If you humiliate someone by making them appear ridiculous or foolish, you make a monkey (out) of that person. That s enough teasing. Don t make a monkey out of him … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
make a monkey out of — make a monkey of she made a monkey out of Clark in front of his friends Syn: make someone look foolish, make a fool of, make a laughingstock of, ridicule, make fun of, poke fun at … Thesaurus of popular words
make a monkey out of — verb To cause a person, group, or action to appear foolish or inferior; to subject someone or something to ridicule. The rough old sealer swore some terrible oaths, protesting that he would not make a monkey of himself, by appearing in this garb … Wiktionary
make a monkey (out) of — MAKE SOMEONE LOOK FOOLISH, make a fool of, make a laughing stock of, ridicule, make fun of, poke fun at. → monkey … Useful english dictionary
make a monkey of (or out of) — make (someone) appear ridiculous. → monkey … English new terms dictionary
make a monkey of someone — make a monkey of (or out of) someone humiliate someone by making them appear ridiculous … Useful english dictionary
monkey — mon|key1 [ mʌŋki ] noun count * 1. ) an animal with a long tail that climbs trees and uses its hands in the same way that people do 2. ) INFORMAL someone, especially a child who behaves badly but in a funny way rather than in an annoying way: Ooh … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English