make a federal case out of something
- make a federal case out of something
make a federal case out of something & make a big deal about something
to exaggerate the seriousness of something. •
Come on. It was nothing! Don't make a federal case out of it.
I only stepped on your toe. Don't make a big deal about it.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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make a federal case (out) of (something) — American to make something seem more important or serious than it really is. He only swore at you there s no need to make a federal case out of it! (usually negative) … New idioms dictionary
make a federal case out of something — tv. to exaggerate the importance of an error; to overdo something. □ Do you have to make a federal case out of everything? □ I only spilled my milk. Why make a federal case out of it? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
make a federal case out of — US informal : to become very upset or angry about (something that is not important) I agree that he shouldn t have said that, but there s no reason to make a federal case out of it. [=make a big deal about it] Do you have to make a federal case… … Useful english dictionary
federal case — I. noun : an act or activity that is or is likely to be subject to investigation by one of the criminal investigation agencies (as the FBI) of the United States government II. noun : a matter or situation that through emphasis or exaggeration… … Useful english dictionary
federal case — 1. a matter that falls within the jurisdiction of a federal court or a federal law enforcement agency. 2. make a federal case of or out of, Informal. to exaggerate the importance of or make an issue out of (something trivial). [1950 55] * * * … Universalium
make — {{11}}make (n.) match, mate, companion (now archaic or dialectal), from O.E. gemaca mate, equal; one of a pair, comrade; consort, husband, wife, from P.Gmc. *gamakon , related to O.E. gemæcc well matched, suitable, macian to make (see MAKE (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
case — case1 [ keıs ] noun *** ▸ 1 example/instance ▸ 2 situation affecting something ▸ 3 legal matter for court ▸ 4 reasons for/against something ▸ 5 situation/person ▸ 6 container/cover ▸ 7 in language ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count an example or instance of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
case — I UK [keɪs] / US noun Word forms case : singular case plural cases *** 1) [countable] an example or instance of something case of: a serious case of nerves a) an instance of a disease case of: a bad case of food poisoning b) a person with a… … English dictionary
Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax — The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax (pron en|ˈfаɪkə) is a United States payroll (or employment) tax [The FICA tax is imposed under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, which is codified as usctc|26|21] imposed by the federal… … Wikipedia
Roman Polanski sexual abuse case — In March 1977, film director Roman Polanski was arrested and charged with a number of offenses against Samantha Geimer, a 13 year old girl[1] – rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14, and… … Wikipedia
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission — Supreme Court of the United States Argued March 24, 2009 … Wikipedia