make a face at someone — make a face (at (someone/something)) to change the expression on your face to show dislike or get attention. She made a face like she d eaten a lemon. The child was making faces, and I wanted to laugh … New idioms dictionary
make a face at something — make a face (at (someone/something)) to change the expression on your face to show dislike or get attention. She made a face like she d eaten a lemon. The child was making faces, and I wanted to laugh … New idioms dictionary
make a face at — make a face (at (someone/something)) to change the expression on your face to show dislike or get attention. She made a face like she d eaten a lemon. The child was making faces, and I wanted to laugh … New idioms dictionary
make a face — (at (someone/something)) to change the expression on your face to show dislike or get attention. She made a face like she d eaten a lemon. The child was making faces, and I wanted to laugh … New idioms dictionary
make a face — verb contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to do • Syn: ↑grimace, ↑pull a face • Derivationally related forms: ↑grimace (for: ↑grimace) … Useful english dictionary
make a face — make/pull a face to show that you do not like something or someone by making an unpleasant expression. I hate pepperoni pizza! he said, making a face … New idioms dictionary
face — [fās] n. [ME < OFr < VL facia < L facies, the face, appearance < base of facere, DO1] 1. the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin, and from ear to ear; visage; countenance 2. the expression of the… … English World dictionary
face — face1 W1S1 [feıs] n ↑ear, ↑nose, ↑tooth, ↑eye ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(front of your head)¦ 2¦(expression)¦ 3 keep a straight face 4 pale faced/round faced etc 5 grim faced/serious faced etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
make — make1 [ meık ] (past tense and past participle made [ meıd ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 create/produce something ▸ 2 do/say something ▸ 3 cause something to happen ▸ 4 force someone to do something ▸ 5 arrange something ▸ 6 earn/get money ▸ 7 give a total ▸… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
face — I [[t]fe͟ɪs[/t]] NOUN USES ♦ faces (Please look at category 28 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.) 1) N COUNT: oft poss N Your face is the front part of your head from your chin to the top of your… … English dictionary
face — /feɪs / (say fays) noun 1. the front part of the head, from the forehead to the chin inclusive. 2. a person, especially with regard to familiarity or some other quality: it s time for some fresh faces on council. 3. a look or expression on the… …