- make a pile
- make a bundle & make a pileto make a lot of money. •
John really made a bundle on that deal.
•I'd like to make a pile and retire.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
John really made a bundle on that deal.
•I'd like to make a pile and retire.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
make a pile — ► make a pile informal make a lot of money. Main Entry: ↑pile … English terms dictionary
make a pile — make a/your ˈpile idiom (informal) to make a lot of money • The family made its pile from oil. • I bet they made an absolute pile out of the deal. Main entry: ↑pile … Useful english dictionary
make your pile — make a/your ˈpile idiom (informal) to make a lot of money • The family made its pile from oil. • I bet they made an absolute pile out of the deal. Main entry: ↑pile … Useful english dictionary
make a bundle AND make a pile — tv. tomake a lot of money. (See also bundle.) □ I made a bundle off that last deal. □ I want to buy a few stocks and make a pile in a few years … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
make a pile — informal make a lot of money. → pile … English new terms dictionary
make a pile — Go to make a bundle … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
pile — Ⅰ. pile [1] ► NOUN 1) a heap of things laid or lying one on top of another. 2) informal a large amount. 3) a large imposing building. ► VERB 1) place (things) one on top of the other. 2) ( … English terms dictionary
pile — 1 noun 1 LARGE AMOUNT/MASS (C) a) a tidy collection of several things of the same kind placed on top of each other; stack 1 (1): We put the newspapers in piles on the floor. | The record I want is at the bottom of the pile. (+ of): a pile of… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
pile — pile1 noun 1》 a heap of things laid or lying one on top of another. ↘informal a large amount: the growing pile of work. 2》 a large imposing building: a Gothic pile. 3》 a series of plates of dissimilar metals laid one on another alternately to … English new terms dictionary
pile — I n. concrete post to sink a pile II n. soft raised surface on a rug shaggy; smooth; soft; thick pile III n. fortune 1) to make a pile reactor 2) an atomic pile IV v. (P; intr.) ( to crowd ) the children piled into the car * * * … Combinatory dictionary
pile on the agony — british mainly journalism phrase to make someone feel even worse than they do, especially by scoring more points against them in a sport Thesaurus: to make something worsesynonym Main entry: agony * * * pile on the ˈagony/ˈgloom idiom ( … Useful english dictionary