make a beeline for someone or something
- make a beeline for someone or something
make a beeline for someone or something
Fig. to head straight toward someone or something. (Alludes to the straight flight of a bee.) •
Billy came into the kitchen and made a beeline for the cookies.
After the game, we all made a beeline for John, who was serving cold drinks.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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make a beeline for someone — make a beeline for (someone/something) to move quickly and directly toward someone or something. When the train finally arrived, cold and weary travelers made a beeline for it. Etymology: based on the idea that a bee travels in a direct path to… … New idioms dictionary
make a beeline for something — make a beeline for (someone/something) to move quickly and directly toward someone or something. When the train finally arrived, cold and weary travelers made a beeline for it. Etymology: based on the idea that a bee travels in a direct path to… … New idioms dictionary
make a beeline for — (someone/something) to move quickly and directly toward someone or something. When the train finally arrived, cold and weary travelers made a beeline for it. Etymology: based on the idea that a bee travels in a direct path to its hive (= place… … New idioms dictionary
make a beeline for — To take the most direct way towards (like bees to a source of nectar) • • • Main Entry: ↑bee * * * make a beeline for informal phrase to go towards someone or something in the quickest and most direct way Thesaurus: to move somewhere… … Useful english dictionary
make a beeline for — informal to go towards someone or something in the quickest and most direct way … English dictionary
beeline — bee|line [ˈbi:laın] n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: From the belief that bees fly back to their hives in a straight line] make a beeline for sb/sth informal to go quickly and directly towards someone or something ▪ Rob always makes a beeline for… … Dictionary of contemporary English
beeline — noun make a beeline for informal to go quickly and directly towards someone or something: Rob always makes a beeline for beautiful women at parties … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
beeline — bee|line [ bi,laın ] noun make a beeline for INFORMAL to go toward someone or something in the quickest and most direct way … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
List of Dallas episodes — This is a list of episodes of the soap opera Dallas. The original miniseries from 1978 was labeled as Season One when the series was initially released on DVD in 2004. Although Season One officially began with episode that aired September 23,… … Wikipedia
Небесные рыцари (мультсериал) — Эта статья о мультсериале. О российской пилотажной группе см. Небесные рыцари. Небесные рыцари Storm Hawks Формат Fantazu Небесные рыцари (англ. Storm Hawks) мультсериал, выходивший с … Википедия