- like greased lightning
- like greased lightningRur. very fast. •
Once I get her tuned up, this old car will go like greased lightning.
•He's a fat kid, but he can run like greased lightning.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Once I get her tuned up, this old car will go like greased lightning.
•He's a fat kid, but he can run like greased lightning.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
like greased lightning — Extremely quickly • • • Main Entry: ↑grease * * * informal extremely fast you come up with plans faster than greased lightning * * * like greased lightning see ↑lightning, 1 • • • … Useful english dictionary
like (greased) lightning — phrase very quickly Thesaurus: quicklysynonym Main entry: lightning * * * like (greased) ˈlightning idiom very fast … Useful english dictionary
like greased lightning — ► like greased lightning informal extremely rapidly. Main Entry: ↑grease … English terms dictionary
like greased lightning — old fashioned if someone does something like greased lightning, they do it very quickly. I mentioned work and he was out of the room like greased lightning … New idioms dictionary
like greased lightning — informal extremely rapidly. → grease … English new terms dictionary
greased lightning — If something or someone moves like greased lightning, they move very fast indeed … The small dictionary of idiomes
greased lightning — 1. n. strong liquor. □ This greased lightning of yours nearly blew my head off. □ No more greased lightning for me. 2. n. something fast or powerful. □ That little car is just greased lightning. □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
greased lightning — If something or someone moves like greased lightning, they move very fast indeed. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Greased lightning — If something or someone moves like greased lightning, they move very fast indeed … Dictionary of English idioms
greased lightning — noun Something incredibly fast (now mainly used in comparison: like or faster than greased lightning). We find there quite seriously the monstrous hyperboles of swallowing a camel, of having a wooden beam in the eye, of a camels going through the … Wiktionary
like lightning — like (greased) lightning very quickly * * * like (greased) lightning informal : very quickly The news traveled across the country like lightning. moving like greased lightning • • • Main Entry: ↑l … Useful english dictionary