keep something under one's hat
- keep something under one's hat
keep something under one's hat
Fig. to keep something a secret; to keep something in one's mind (only). (If the secret stays under your hat, it stays in your mind. Note the use of
in the examples.) •
Keep this under your hat, but I'm getting married.
I'm getting married, but keep it under your hat.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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keep something under one's hat — ► keep something under one s hat keep something a secret. Main Entry: ↑hat … English terms dictionary
keep something under one's hat — keep something a secret. → hat … English new terms dictionary
keep something under one's hat — keep something a secret … Useful english dictionary
hat — ► NOUN ▪ a shaped covering for the head, typically with a brim and a crown. ● keep something under one s hat Cf. ↑keep something under one s hat ● pass the hat round (or N. Amer. pass the hat) Cf. ↑pass the hat round ● … English terms dictionary
under — (prep., adv.) O.E. under, from P.Gmc. *under (Cf. O.Fris. under, Du. onder, O.H.G. untar, Ger. unter, O.N. undir, Goth. undar), from PIE *ndhero lower (Cf. Skt. adhah below; Avestan athara lower; … Etymology dictionary
hat — noun a shaped covering for the head, typically with a brim and a crown. Phrases hat in hand see cap in hand at cap. keep something under one s hat keep something a secret. pass the hat round (or N. Amer. pass the hat) collect contributions of… … English new terms dictionary
keep under your hat — To keep something under one s hat means to keep a secret. My boss has promised me a promotion, but it s not official yet, so keep it under your hat … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
hat — [ hæt ] noun count *** 1. ) a piece of clothing that you wear on your head: She was wearing a brown fur hat. 2. ) INFORMAL one particular aspect of someone s duties or responsibilities: She has to wear several different hats (=have various… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hat */*/*/ — UK [hæt] / US noun [countable] Word forms hat : singular hat plural hats 1) a piece of clothing that you wear on your head She was wearing a brown fur hat. 2) informal one particular aspect of someone s duties or responsibilities She has to wear… … English dictionary
hat — W3S1 [hæt] n [: Old English; Origin: hAt] 1.) a piece of clothing that you wear on your head ▪ Maria was wearing a beautiful new hat. straw/cowboy/bowler etc hat in a hat ▪ a man in a fur hat bowler hatted/top hatted etc (=wearing a bowler hat,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
hat — [[t]hæ̱t[/t]] ♦♦♦ hats 1) N COUNT A hat is a head covering, often with a brim round it, which is usually worn out of doors to give protection from the weather. 2) N COUNT: with supp If you say that someone is wearing a particular hat, you mean… … English dictionary