- keep something to oneself
- keep something to oneselfto keep something a secret. •
I want you to keep this news to yourself.
•This should be kept to yourself.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
I want you to keep this news to yourself.
•This should be kept to yourself.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
keep something to oneself — refuse to disclose or share something … Useful english dictionary
keep something in — restrain oneself from expressing a feeling he wanted to make me mad, but I kept it all in * * * ˌkeep sthˈin derived to avoid expressing an emotion Syn: ↑restrain • He could scarcely keep in his indignation. Main entry … Useful english dictionary
keep from — REFRAIN FROM, stop oneself, restrain oneself from, prevent oneself from, forbear from, avoid. → keep * * * keep from (or keep someone from) avoid (or cause someone to avoid) doing something Dinah bit her lips to keep from screaming | he could… … Useful english dictionary
keep to — 1 I ve got to keep to the rules: OBEY, abide by, observe, follow, comply with, adhere to, respect, keep, stick to, be bound by. 2 keep to the path: FOLLOW, stick … Useful english dictionary
keep — verb (past and past participle kept) 1》 have or retain possession of. ↘retain or reserve for use in the future. ↘put or store in a regular place. ↘(of a perishable commodity) remain in good condition. 2》 continue or cause to continue… … English new terms dictionary
keep back — verb 1. keep under control; keep in check suppress a smile Keep your temper keep your cool • Syn: ↑restrain, ↑keep, ↑hold back • Derivationally related forms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
keep — [c]/kip / (say keep) verb (kept, keeping) –verb (t) 1. to maintain in one s action or conduct: to keep watch; to keep step; to keep silence. 2. to cause to continue in some place, position, state, course, or action specified: to keep a light… …
keep — v. & n. v. (past and past part. kept) 1 tr. have continuous charge of; retain possession of. 2 tr. (foll. by for) retain or reserve for a future occasion or time (will keep it for tomorrow). 3 tr. & intr. retain or remain in a specified condition … Useful english dictionary
keep — keepable, adj. keepability, n. /keep/, v., kept, keeping, n. v.t. 1. to hold or retain in one s possession; hold as one s own: If you like it, keep it. Keep the change. 2. to hold or have the use of for a period of time: You can keep it for the… … Universalium
oneself — [[t]wʌnse̱lf[/t]] (Oneself is a third person singular reflexive pronoun.) 1) PRON REFL A speaker or writer uses oneself as the object of a verb or preposition in a clause where oneself meaning me or any person in general refers to the same person … English dictionary
keep at — PERSEVERE WITH, persist with, keep going with, carry on with, press on with, work away at, continue with; informal stick at, peg away at, plug away at, hammer away at. → keep * * * phrasal : to persevere or persist in doing or concerning oneself… … Useful english dictionary