how's tricks? — (slang) How are you? • • • Main Entry: ↑trick * * * how’s tricks? informal phrase used when you meet someone to ask how they are Thesaurus: ways of asking questions and making requestshyponym to ask a question or questions … Useful english dictionary
how's tricks? — This is used as a way of asking people how they are and how things have been going in their life … The small dictionary of idiomes
how's tricks — is life okay? are you learning new skills? When Andy sees me, he always says, How s tricks? … English idioms
how's tricks — How are you? … A concise dictionary of English slang
how's tricks? — This is used as a way of asking people how they are and how things have been going in their life. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
how's tricks? — informal how are you? → trick … English new terms dictionary
how's tricks? — Exclam. How are you? A greeting not necessarily requiring a direct answer … English slang and colloquialisms
How's tricks — informal greeting asking after someone s well being … Dictionary of Australian slang
how's tricks — Australian Slang informal greeting asking after someone s well being … English dialects glossary
how — I. /haʊ / (say how) adverb 1. in what way or manner; by what means: how did it happen? 2. to what extent, degree, etc.: how much? 3. by what unit: how do you sell these apples? 4. in what state or condition: how are you? 5. for what reason; why.… …
How to Train Your Dragon — is a 2003 children s novel by British author Cressida Cowell, and published by Hodder Children s Books.Five sequels have been released: How To Be A Pirate , How to Speak Dragonese , How to Train Your Viking , How to Cheat a Dragon s Curse , How… … Wikipedia