hit the bricks — AND hit the pavement 1. v. to start walking; to go into the streets. □ I have a long way to go. I’d better hit the bricks. □ Go on! Hit the pavement! Get going! 2. tv. to go out on strike. □ The workers hit the pavement on Friday and haven’t been … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
hit the bricks — verb a) To travel about, especially on foot. [T]housands of brewers, waiters and waitresses, bartenders, cooks, checkers, cashiers, dishwashers, hotel maids and bellmen, too, would be forced to hit the bricks in search of other work. b) To leave… … Wiktionary
hit the bricks — go to jail, be sentenced to a jail term, in the tank That was the last time he hit the bricks. He never went to jail again … English idioms
hit the bricks — vb American a more fashionable version of the collo quial hit the road and later hit the street (to get going or appear in public). Originally the phrase specifically referred to released prisoners … Contemporary slang
hit the bricks — 1. American to go on strike From walking out on to the sidewalk in the days before employees drove to work. 2. American to escape or desert Again from the sidewalk. Hit the hump is a synonym for the hill over which the fugitive… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
hit the bricks — idi a) to walk the streets b) to go on strike … From formal English to slang
hit the bricks — v. begin walking … English slang
hit the bricks — phrasal slang : to go on strike : walk out … Useful english dictionary
hit the pavement — verb a) To travel on foot, as on a sidewalk. But getting people to hit the pavement is more than just a health concern. . . . unicipalities are looking to combat inner city decay by keeping the streets flush with pedestrians. b) To travel or… … Wiktionary
hit the pavement — Go to hit the bricks … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
The Mole (U.S. season 5) — The Mole (2008) The Mole 2008 logo Country of origin … Wikipedia