- hit the bottle
- hit the bottle & hit the boozeFig. Inf. to go on a drinking bout; to get drunk. •
Jed's hitting the bottle again.
•He's been hitting the booze for a week now.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Jed's hitting the bottle again.
•He's been hitting the booze for a week now.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
hit the bottle — (slang) To drink excessively • • • Main Entry: ↑hit * * * hit the bottle/take to the bottle/informal phrase to start drinking a lot of alcohol He hit the bottle after losing his job … Useful english dictionary
hit the bottle — ► hit the bottle informal start to drink alcohol heavily. Main Entry: ↑bottle … English terms dictionary
hit the bottle — to drink intoxicants to excess Of a single debauch or sustained drunkenness. Also as hit the hooch or hit it: I just wondered... whether he d planned to use the rest of the day to hit the bottle. (Gaarder, 1996) ... hitting the… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
hit the bottle — drink liquor, get drunk to forget problems When Laura left him, he hit the bottle, drinking to forget her … English idioms
hit the bottle — drink alcohol (usually a negative meaning) She started to hit the bottle soon after her divorce … Idioms and examples
hit the bottle — to drink too much alcohol. I was disgusted with myself for having hit the bottle again … New idioms dictionary
hit the bottle — verb To drink alcohol steadily and in excess, particularly in response to a setback. Hes been hitting the bottle hard since his wife left him. Syn: hit the booze, hit the sauce … Wiktionary
hit the bottle — AND hit the booze tv. to go n a drinking bout; to get drunk. □ Jed’s hitting the bottle again. □ He’s been hitting the booze for a week now … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Hit the bottle — drink heavily; become an alcoholic … Dictionary of Australian slang
hit the bottle — Australian Slang drink heavily; become an alcoholic … English dialects glossary
hit the bottle — drink alcohol heavily … English contemporary dictionary