hit someone with something
- hit someone with something
hit someone with something
1. Fig. to charge someone with an amount of money. •
The government hit us with a big fine.
The tax people hit us with a huge tax bill.
2. Fig. to present someone with shocking or surprising news. •
He was shocked when she hit him with the news that she was leaving.
Don't hit me with another piece of bad news!
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hit someone with something — tv. to present someone with an idea, plan, or proposal. □ Pete hit me with a great idea just before we left. □ Fred hit his boss with a plan to save a bundle in the front office … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
hit — hit1 [ hıt ] (past tense and past participle hit) verb *** ▸ 1 touch something with force ▸ 2 have bad effect on ▸ 3 when you realize something ▸ 4 reach place/state etc. ▸ 5 press switch etc. ▸ 6 achieve score in sport ▸ + PHRASES 1. )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hit — I UK [hɪt] / US verb Word forms hit : present tense I/you/we/they hit he/she/it hits present participle hitting past tense hit past participle hit *** 1) [intransitive/transitive] to move quickly onto an object or surface, touching it with force… … English dictionary
hit with — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms hit with : present tense I/you/we/they hit with he/she/it hits with present participle hitting with past tense hit with past participle hit with 1) hit someone with something to make someone do something or… … English dictionary
hit someone (up) for something — tv. to ask omeone for something. □ I hit Fred up for some help with the committee. □ He hit me up for a loan, but I said no … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About — Studio album by Modest Mouse Released April 16 … Wikipedia
hit — hit1 W2S1 [hıt] v past tense and past participle hit present participle hitting ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(touch somebody/something hard)¦ 2¦(crash into something)¦ 3¦(hurt yourself)¦ 4¦(sport)¦ 5¦(press)¦ 6¦(attack)¦ 7¦(affect badly)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
hit — 1 /hIt/ verb past tense and past participle hitpresent participle hitting 1 TOUCH SB/STH HARD (T) to touch someone or something quickly and usually hard with your hand, a stick etc: hit sth with: Billy was hitting a tin can with a spoon. | hit sb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
hit — [[t]hɪ̱t[/t]] ♦ hits, hitting (The form hit is used in the present tense and is the past and present participle.) 1) VERB If you hit someone or something, you deliberately touch them with a lot of force, with your hand or an object held in your… … English dictionary
hit — ► VERB (hitting; past and past part. hit) 1) direct a blow at (someone or something) with one s hand or a tool or weapon. 2) propel (a ball) with a bat, racket, etc. 3) accidentally strike (part of one s body) against something. 4) (of a moving… … English terms dictionary
hit*/*/*/ — [hɪt] (past tense past participle hit) verb I 1) [I/T] to move quickly against something, or to move an object quickly against something, touching it with force The glass smashed as it hit the ground.[/ex] The child was hitting the table with a… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English