pound something into something
- pound something into something
hammer something into something & pound something into something & hammer something in† & pound something in†
Lit. to drive something into something as with a hammer. •
Todd hammered the spike into the beam.
He hammered in the spike.
He hammered it in with two hard blows.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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pound — pound1 [ paund ] noun count *** 1. ) a unit for measuring weight, used in several countries including the U.S. and the U.K., containing 16 OUNCES and equal to 0.454 kilograms. Its written abbreviation is lb.: The baby weighed over 10 pounds. half … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pound — [[t]pa͟ʊnd[/t]] ♦ pounds, pounding, pounded 1) N COUNT: num N The pound is the unit of money which is used in Britain. It is represented by the symbol ₤. One British pound is divided into a hundred pence. Some other countries, for example Egypt,… … English dictionary
pound — pound1 W2S1 [paund] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(weight)¦ 2¦(money)¦ 3¦(for dogs and cats)¦ 4¦(for cars)¦ 5 get/take/demand etc your pound of flesh 6¦(telephone)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Sense: 1 2, 5 6; Origin: Old English pund, from Latin pondo] [ … Dictionary of contemporary English
pound into — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms pound into : present tense I/you/we/they pound into he/she/it pounds into present participle pounding into past tense pounded into past participle pounded into informal pound something into someone/someone s… … English dictionary
pound — pound1 noun 1》 (abbrev.: lb) a unit of weight equal to 16 oz avoirdupois (0.4536 kg), or 12 oz troy (0.3732 kg). 2》 (also pound sterling) (plural pounds sterling) the basic monetary unit of the UK, equal to 100 pence. ↘another term for punt4 … English new terms dictionary
pound into — ˈpound ˌinto [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they pound into he/she/it pounds into present participle pounding into past tense … Useful english dictionary
pound — 1 /paUnd/ noun 1 WEIGHT written abbreviation lb (C) a unit for measuring weight, equal to 16 ounces or about 0.454 kilograms: a pound of apples | Moira weighs about 130 pounds. | The grapes cost $2 a pound. 2 MONEY (C) a) written abbreviation the … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
pound — I UK [paʊnd] / US noun [countable] Word forms pound : singular pound plural pounds *** 1) a) economics a unit of money used in the UK and several other countries. Its symbol is £. b) a coin or banknote worth one pound 2) a unit for measuring… … English dictionary
pound of flesh — (your) pound of flesh if someone demands their pound of flesh, they make someone give them something that they owe them, although they do not need it and it will cause problems for the other person. His boss, demanding his pound of flesh, made… … New idioms dictionary
pound off — verb partition off into compartments The locks pound the water of the canal • Syn: ↑pound • Hypernyms: ↑partition, ↑partition off • Verb Frames: Somebody s something … Useful english dictionary
Wilpena Pound — is a natural amphitheatre of mountains located 429 kilometres (267 miles) north of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia in the heart of the Flinders Ranges National Park. The Pound is the most northern point with access via a sealed road in this… … Wikipedia