Binge eating disorder — (BED), is a psychiatric disorder in which a subject shows the following symptoms: * Periodically does not exercise control over consumption of food * Eats an unusually large amount of food at one time more than a normal person would eat in the… … Wikipedia
Binge Drinking — Troubles de l ordre public à Stonehenge au cours d une beuverie. Le binge drinking, anglicisme que l on peut traduire par hyperalcoolisation, intoxication alcoolique aiguë[1], alcool … Wikipédia en Français
Binge-Eating-Disorder — Binge Eating (auch Binge Eating Disorder) ist eine Essstörung, bei der es zu periodischen Heißhungeranfällen (Fressanfällen) mit Verlust der bewussten Kontrolle über das Essverhalten kommt. Im Gegensatz zur Bulimie wird das Gegessene anschließend … Deutsch Wikipedia
Binge eating disorder — Binge Eating (auch Binge Eating Disorder) ist eine Essstörung, bei der es zu periodischen Heißhungeranfällen (Fressanfällen) mit Verlust der bewussten Kontrolle über das Essverhalten kommt. Im Gegensatz zur Bulimie wird das Gegessene anschließend … Deutsch Wikipedia
Binge eating — is a pattern of disordered eating which consists of episodes of uncontrollable overeating. It is sometimes as a symptom of binge eating disorder. During such binges, a person rapidly consumes an excessive amount of food. Most people who have… … Wikipedia
binge and purge — phrase to eat too much and then force yourself to vomit , especially because you are suffering from bulimia Thesaurus: to eat a lot or too muchsynonym Main entry: binge * * * binge and purge : to eat a lot of food and then force yourself to … Useful english dictionary
Binge — bezeichnet: eine andere Schreibweise des bergmännischen Wortes Pinge eine Kurzform für Binge Drinking und Binge Eating Binge ist der Familienname von Ronald Binge (1910 1979), britischer Komponist … Deutsch Wikipedia
Binge Records — is a Brooklyn, NY based indie rock record label that was founded by Dennis Tyhacz and Luke McCartney in January 2004. Signs of Life by Nemo was the label s first release. The 2nd release by Binge Records was The Sound Mirrors debut LP The Calling … Wikipedia
binge — [binj] n. [? < dial. binge, to soak] Informal 1. a spree or bout of unrestrained imbibing or eating 2. any completely unrestrained action [a shopping binge] vi. binged, bingeing Informal to indulge in an unrestrained manner [bingeing on ice… … English World dictionary
Binge-Drinking — Binge Drin|king [ bɪnd̮ʒ…], das: [s] [zu engl. binge = Gelage, Orgie]: Rauschtrinken … Universal-Lexikon
binge — binj vi, binged; binge·ing or bing·ing to eat compulsively or greedily esp. as a symptom of bulimia <a self destructive pattern of smoking, starving, and bingeing (Carol Tavris)> bing·er ər n * * * (binj) 1. a period of uncontrolled or… … Medical dictionary