give oneself up (to someone or something)
- give oneself up (to someone or something)
give oneself up (to someone or something)
1. Lit. to surrender to someone or something. •
Fran gave herself up to the disease.
Walter gave himself up to the police.
2. Fig. to devote oneself to someone or something; to
give oneself
over to someone or something. •
She gave herself up to her children and their care.
Fran gave herself up to tennis.
Jane refused to give herself up to weight lifting, which is a full-time hobby.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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give — ► VERB (past gave; past part. given) 1) freely transfer the possession of; cause to receive or have. 2) yield as a product or result. 3) carry out (an action). 4) cause to experience or suffer. 5) state or put forward (information or argument) … English terms dictionary
give — [c]/gɪv / (say giv) verb (gave, given, giving) –verb (t) 1. to deliver freely; bestow; hand over: to give someone a present. 2. to deliver to another in exchange for something; pay. 3. to pass over to: give me that book, please. 4. to grant… …
give — givable, giveable, adj., n. givee, n. giver, n. /giv/, v., gave, given, giving, n. v.t. 1. to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; bestow: to give a birthday present to someone. 2. to hand to someone: Give me that plate, please … Universalium
give — [[t]gɪv[/t]] v. gave, giv•en, giv•ing, n. 1) to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation: to give a birthday present to someone[/ex] 2) to hand to someone: Give me that plate, please[/ex] 3) to place in someone s care: I gave the… … From formal English to slang
give — verb (past gave; past participle given) (usu. give something to or give someone something) 1》 freely transfer the possession of; cause to receive or have. ↘communicate or impart (a message). ↘commit, consign, or entrust. ↘cause to… … English new terms dictionary
give — [giv] vt. gave, given, giving [ME given (with g < ON gefa, to give), yeven < OE giefan, akin to Ger geben < IE base * ghabh , to grasp, take > L habere, to have: the special Gmc sense of this base results from its use as a substitute… … English World dictionary
give up — verb 1. lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or crime (Freq. 9) you ve forfeited your right to name your successor forfeited property • Syn: ↑forfeit, ↑throw overboard, ↑waiv … Useful english dictionary
beat someone’s brains out — 1. tv. to beat someone severely. □ She threatened to beat my brains out. □ Those thugs nearly beat his brains out. 2. tv. to drive oneself hard (to accomplish something). □ I beat my brains out all day to clean this house, and you come in and… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
giver — give ► VERB (past gave; past part. given) 1) freely transfer the possession of; cause to receive or have. 2) yield as a product or result. 3) carry out (an action). 4) cause to experience or suffer. 5) state or put forward (information or… … English terms dictionary
Nicomachean Ethics — Part of a series on Aristotle … Wikipedia
Spanish profanity — Joder redirects here. For the community in Nebraska, see Joder, Nebraska. This article is a summary of Spanish profanity, referred to in the Spanish language as lenguaje soez (low language), maldiciones (curse words), malas palabras (bad words),… … Wikipedia