- get on(to) someone (about something)
- get on(to) someone (about something)Fig. to remind someone about something. •
I'll have to get onto Sarah about the deadline.
•I'll get on Gerald right away.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
I'll have to get onto Sarah about the deadline.
•I'll get on Gerald right away.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
lighten up (on someone or something) — n. to reduce the pressure (on someone or something); to calm down (about someone or something). □ Cool it, man. Lighten up! We all gotta get along here. □ Lighten up on the guy. He only stepped on your toe … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
go apeshit over someone or something — n. to get very excited about someone or something. (Usually objectionable.) □ She really went apeshit over the ice cream … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
get — [get] verb got PASTTENSE [gɒt ǁ gɑːt] got PASTPART gotten PASTPART [ˈgɒtn ǁ ˈgɑːtn] getting PRESPART 1 … Financial and business terms
get something off your chest — phrase to talk to someone about something that has been worrying you, so that you feel better about it He came to see me because he wanted to get something off his chest. Thesaurus: to be, or to become calm and stop worryingsynonym Main entry:… … Useful english dictionary
how about something — how about (someone/something) I am surprised by someone or something. How about that guy who was arrested for riding his bicycle on the expressway? Usage notes: usually intended to get someone to say what they think … New idioms dictionary
see about something — see about (someone/something) to get information about someone or something. I ll see about movie times and call you back. I know Janet and Tom aren t interested in bicycling, but let s see about Helen … New idioms dictionary
get something off your chest — get (something) off (your) chest to tell someone about something that has been worrying you. I sometimes discuss my problems with someone else just to get them off my chest … New idioms dictionary
get something off chest — get (something) off (your) chest to tell someone about something that has been worrying you. I sometimes discuss my problems with someone else just to get them off my chest … New idioms dictionary
get off your chest — get (something) off (your) chest to tell someone about something that has been worrying you. I sometimes discuss my problems with someone else just to get them off my chest … New idioms dictionary
get off chest — get (something) off (your) chest to tell someone about something that has been worrying you. I sometimes discuss my problems with someone else just to get them off my chest … New idioms dictionary
get off your chest — get (something) off your chest : to tell someone about something that has been making you upset or unhappy You ve been a little cold to me lately. Is there something you d like to get off your chest? • • • Main Entry: ↑chest … Useful english dictionary