from dawn to dusk — all day; ceaselessly day after day from dawn to dusk, they drove those loaded canoes … Useful english dictionary
from dawn to dusk — adverb a) From sunrise to sunset. b) At daytime. See Also: from dusk to dawn … Wiktionary
Dawn-to-dusk transcontinental flight across the United States — The Dawn to dusk transcontinental flight across the United States was a pioneering aviation record established June 23, 1924. It marked the first crossing of the North American continent within the hours of daylight. The record was set by 1st Lt … Wikipedia
Dawn and Dusk Club — The Dawn and Dusk Club was an Australian bohemian club of writer friends from the late 19th century who met for drinks and camaraderie. Writer Henry Lawson was a prominent member of the club. History The club was formed around 1898 in Sydney,… … Wikipedia
Digimon World Dawn and Dusk — Digimon World Dusk Digimon World Dawn Developer(s) Namco Bandai Games … Wikipedia
dawn — dawn1 [do:n US do:n] n [U and C] [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: daw to dawn (10 19 centuries), from Old English dagian; related to day] 1.) the time at the beginning of the day when light first appears = ↑daybreak →↑dusk at dawn ▪ The first boats set… … Dictionary of contemporary English
dawn — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 early morning ADJECTIVE ▪ grey/gray ▪ early VERB + DAWN ▪ greet ▪ He always got up to greet the dawn … Collocations dictionary
dawn — dawn1 [ dɔn ] noun count or uncount ** the beginning of the day, when it begins to get light: I don t think he went to sleep until dawn. at dawn: They had decided to leave at dawn. at the crack of dawn (=very early in the morning): We had to get… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dawn — I UK [dɔːn] / US [dɔn] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms dawn : singular dawn plural dawns ** the beginning of the day, when it begins to get light I don t think he went to sleep until dawn. at dawn: They had decided to leave at dawn. dawn… … English dictionary
from dusk to dawn — adverb a) From sunset to sunrise. Roos and wallabies often leap onto roads, particularly from dusk to dawn; keep your speed under 70km/h at these times. b) At night, nighttime. See Also: from dawn to dusk … Wiktionary
dusk — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ gathering DUSK + VERB ▪ approach, fall, settle, settle in (AmE) ▪ Dusk was falling as we drove home … Collocations dictionary