- five-finger discount
- five-finger discountSl. shoplifting. •
Sam used his fivefinger discount to get the kind of ring Jane wanted.
•I got this necklace by five-finger discount.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Sam used his fivefinger discount to get the kind of ring Jane wanted.
•I got this necklace by five-finger discount.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
five finger discount — If somebody gets a five finger discount, they take something without paying. In other words, they steal. How could he afford that watch? Who knows perhaps with a five finger discount! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
five-finger discount — n. the acquisition of something by shoplifting. □ Bruno used his five finger discount to get the kind of ring Tracy wanted. □ I got this thingy with my five finger discount … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
five finger discount — np Shoplifting. She and her friend were nabbed taking a five finger discount at the drugstore. 1990s … Historical dictionary of American slang
five-finger\ discount — Shoplifting. Q. Where d you get that? A. It was a five finger discount … Dictionary of american slang
five-finger\ discount — Shoplifting. Q. Where d you get that? A. It was a five finger discount … Dictionary of american slang
five finger discount — Noun. The act of shoplifting, or occasionally stealing, and the proceeds. Also five fingered discount. Orig. U.S./1960s … English slang and colloquialisms
five-finger discount — noun Theft or pilferage, typically of a small item; shoplifting … Wiktionary
Five finger discount — shoplifting … Dictionary of Australian slang
five finger discount — I Australian Slang shoplifting II Canadian Slang the act of shoplifting … English dialects glossary
five-finger discount — n American something stolen, especially a shop lifter s booty. This is the thieves own term, popular, especially in New York, in the 1970s and 1980s … Contemporary slang
five finger discount — • a euphemism for shoplifting or thieving general. Of Australian origin, but can be heard in the UK … Londonisms dictionary