Fits and Starts — was an art work by Brooklyn, New York City artist Marc Swanson, the 2005 vandalism of which at DePauw University created controversy. cite news last= Coney first= Raymond url=… … Wikipedia
fits and starts — noun repeated bursts of activity they worked in fits and starts • Hypernyms: ↑burst, ↑fit * * * fits and starts Spasmodic and irregular bursts of activity • • • Main Entry: ↑fit … Useful english dictionary
fits and starts — noun Activity which is intermittent, variable in intensity, and prolonged by interruptions. Progress in this project has come in fits and starts … Wiktionary
fits and starts — moving unevenly, stop and go The new crew worked in fits and starts, not at a steady pace … English idioms
fits and starts — Synonyms and related words: ague, arrhythmia, brokenness, bumpiness, capriciousness, chattering, choppiness, chorea, cold shivers, desultoriness, disconnectedness, discontinuity, eccentricity, erraticness, fibrillation, fitfulness, fluctuation,… … Moby Thesaurus
by fits and starts — adverb intermittently he worked on his book by fits and starts * * * adverb see by fits * * * by/in/fits and starts phrase stopping and starting again many times, rather than progressing steadily Efforts … Useful english dictionary
in fits and starts — by/in/fits and starts phrase stopping and starting again many times, rather than progressing steadily Efforts at reform seem to come in fits and starts. Thesaurus: starting and stopping oftensynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary
by\ fits\ and\ starts — • by fits and starts • by fits and jerks adv. phr. With many stops and starts, a little now and a little more later; not all the time; irregularly. He had worked on the invention by fits and starts for several years. You will never get anywhere… … Словарь американских идиом
by fits and starts — irregularly, with many stops and starts By fits and starts the company was finally able to begin business. (from Idioms in Speech) in sudden outbursts of energy, not lasting for a long time Youth only recognizes age by fits and starts. (J.… … Idioms and examples
in fits and starts — irregularly, with many stops and starts By fits and starts the company was finally able to begin business. (from Idioms in Speech) in sudden outbursts of energy, not lasting for a long time Youth only recognizes age by fits and starts. (J.… … Idioms and examples
By fits and starts — Fit Fit, n. [AS. fit strife, fight; of uncertain origin. [root] 77.] 1. A stroke or blow. [Obs. or R.] [1913 Webster] Curse on that cross, quoth then the Sarazin, That keeps thy body from the bitter fit. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. A sudden and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English