- finish someone or something up
- finish someone or something up†Fig. to finish doing something to someone or something. •
I will finish this typing up in a few minutes.
•She finished up Fred in a short time.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
I will finish this typing up in a few minutes.
•She finished up Fred in a short time.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
finish someone off — finish (someone/something) off to destroy or completely defeat someone or something. Lack of water finished off the agricultural communities in the valley. He insisted that the disease was not going to finish him off … New idioms dictionary
finish someone/something off — 1 the executioners finished them off: KILL, take/end the life of, execute, terminate, exterminate, liquidate, get rid of; informal wipe out, do in, bump off, take out, dispose of, do away with; N. Amer. informal ice, rub out, waste. 2 financial… … Useful english dictionary
finish someone/something off — 1) the hunters finished them off Syn: kill, execute, terminate, exterminate, liquidate, get rid of; informal wipe out, bump off, dispose of; N.Amer.; informal waste 2) financial difficulties finished us off Syn … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
finish something off — finish (someone/something) off to destroy or completely defeat someone or something. Lack of water finished off the agricultural communities in the valley. He insisted that the disease was not going to finish him off … New idioms dictionary
finish off — finish (someone/something) off to destroy or completely defeat someone or something. Lack of water finished off the agricultural communities in the valley. He insisted that the disease was not going to finish him off … New idioms dictionary
finish — 1 / fInIS/ verb 1 STOP DOING STH (I, T) to come to the end of doing or making something, so that it is complete : finish sth: You can t go anywhere until you finish your homework. | finish doing sth: I finished typing the report just minutes… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
finish with — phrasal 1. : to have done with : cease to have relations with she decided to finish with him for good 2. : to complete work upon as soon as he had finished with the statue he went on to a more ambitious project * * * finish with [phrasal verb] 1… … Useful english dictionary
finish — [[t]fɪ̱nɪʃ[/t]] ♦♦ finishes, finishing, finished 1) VERB When you finish doing or dealing with something, you do or deal with the last part of it, so that there is no more for you to do or deal with. [V n/ ing] As soon as he d finished eating, he … English dictionary
finish — verb 1》 bring or come to an end. ↘consume or get through the whole or the remainder of (food or drink). ↘reach the end of a race or other sporting competition. ↘(finish up) chiefly Brit. end by doing something or being in a particular … English new terms dictionary
finish — 1. verb 1) Pam finished her work Syn: complete, end, conclude, terminate, wind up, round off; informal wrap up, sew up, polish off 2) Hitch finished his dinner Syn: consume, eat … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
finish with — PHRASAL VERB If you finish with someone or something, you stop dealing with them, being involved with them, or being interested in them. [V P n] My boyfriend was threatening to finish with me... [V P n] Have you finished with me? Luke asked, when … English dictionary