- every walk of life
- every walk of lifeevery status and occupation. •
We invited people from every walk of life, but only those who could afford the long drive could possibly come.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
We invited people from every walk of life, but only those who could afford the long drive could possibly come.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
every walk of life — every occupation, all lifestyles People from every walk of life attend our church … English idioms
walk of life — n the position in society someone has, especially the type of job they have from every walk of life/from all walks of life ▪ Our volunteers include people from all walks of life … Dictionary of contemporary English
walk of life — noun (C) the position in society someone has, especially the type of job they have: from every walk of life/from all walks of life: The club has members from every walk of life, from plumbers to doctors … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
walk of life — {n. phr.} Way of living; manner in which people live. * /Many rich people have yachts; people in their walk of life can afford them./ * /The banker did not want his son to marry a girl in a different walk of life./ * /People from every walk of… … Dictionary of American idioms
walk of life — {n. phr.} Way of living; manner in which people live. * /Many rich people have yachts; people in their walk of life can afford them./ * /The banker did not want his son to marry a girl in a different walk of life./ * /People from every walk of… … Dictionary of American idioms
walk\ of\ life — n. phr. Way of living; manner in which people live. Many rich people have yachts; people in their walk of life can afford them. The banker did not want his son to marry a girl in a different walk of life. People from every walk of life enjoy… … Словарь американских идиом
walk of life — noun An occupation, role, social class, or lifestyle. Folks in our neighborhood come from every walk of life, prince and pauper, investor and janitor … Wiktionary
walk of life — way of living, manner in which people live People from every walk of life came to the concert in the park … Idioms and examples
Walk of Life (Dire Straits song) — Walk of Life Single by Dire Straits from the album Brothers in Arms B side … Wikipedia
(a) walk of life — a person s walk of life is the type of job they do or the level of society they belong to. Volunteers who work at the animal hospital come from all walks of life. There were people at the meeting from almost every walk of life … New idioms dictionary
walk — I n. journey by foot 1) to have (BE), take a walk 2) to take smb. for a walk (BE also has: to take smb. a long walk round the grounds) 3) to go for, go on a walk 4) a brisk; easy; leisurely; long; nature; short walk (to take a brisk walk) 5) a… … Combinatory dictionary